Truck and Tractor Pulling Action Photos From Texas! Gassers, Diesels, Tractors, Work Trucks, More!

Truck and Tractor Pulling Action Photos From Texas! Gassers, Diesels, Tractors, Work Trucks, More!

(PHOTOS BY CHARLES WICKAM) – Talk about a schizophrenic gearhead weekend! Charles Wickam spent one day among some of the most rare, beautiful, and expensive machines in Texas and the next picking dirt out of his teeth after spending all day and half the night at the Texas Truck and Tractor Pullers Association event in Columbus, Texas at the Colorado County Fairgrounds. This was a fun looking event with everything from modified tractors to diesel spewing work stock looking machines. Charles captures all of the dirt throwing, wheels up action from the event and all of the various classes.

We have always championed tractor pulling here at BangShift as an awesome motorsport that more people need to get out and see, just to appreciate it on a more personal level. It is not likely that you’ll attend a pull and some shaft of light will drop from the heavens and the only thing you’ll be able to think about from that point on it building a truck or a tractor, but we just think that if you are a real gearhead than you should experience as much of this stuff as you can in person, right? Wickam’s photos are typically great and we think you will dig the variety and action in them.

We’ll be back with more tomorrow!

texas truck puller association 004

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1 thoughts on “Truck and Tractor Pulling Action Photos From Texas! Gassers, Diesels, Tractors, Work Trucks, More!

  1. BeaverMartin

    I agree pulling is awesome, just warn people that it is one of the MOST expensive motorsports that you can possibly participate in with the smallest payout. I’m looking at garden tractor pulling nowadays, running a diesel even in the 2.5 class is hella expensive.

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