Truck Porn: The Ghe-O – A Romanian Built Rescue Truck That’s One Of The Most Capable 4x4s on Earth! (Video)

Truck Porn: The Ghe-O – A Romanian Built Rescue Truck That’s One Of The Most Capable 4x4s on Earth! (Video)

Who would have thunk that one of the most capable and overall awesome trucks in the world would hail from Romania! We sure didn’t but it sure is the truth and the video below bears it out. What you are going to see crawling through rivers, floating over ponds, scaling all kinds of crazy angles, and slogging through the forest is a rescue truck built by a Romanian outfit called Ghe-O. This model can seat 11 people and get them virtually anywhere by all the means we just explained.

We don’t know a whole lot about the trucks but we do know that engine options range from 340hp through 500 hp for a gas engine and 214hp as well as 304hp for diesels. We’d totally go for a diesel in this thing because if it was heading to the most remote climates, we sure as hell would want the torque and efficiency provided by said diesels. Now, if we were going to be using this 6,500lb bad boy on a beach or something, the 500hp gasser would be in our wheelhouse.

At 205 inches long, 106 inches wide, and 94 inches tall, it is HUMVEE-esque in looks with is box like shape. The front end is more pinched in an narrow than an H1 but from the cowl back, it looks really close to the same outside. Obviously equipped with lockers, big tires (46-inchers maybe?) and big axles from and rear are the order of the day. You can add various pumps, tanks, and other doo-dads to the truck to tailor it to your specific needs. This isn’t a military truck, it is a rescue, remote fire fighting vehicle. We want to drive the hell out of one ASAP.

C’amon Ghe-O — throw us some keys!


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