Tug Of Win: Watch A Monster Cadillac Hearse Battle An Old Deuce And A Half Truck

Tug Of Win: Watch A Monster Cadillac Hearse Battle An Old Deuce And A Half Truck

Back during the earliest days of BangShift in 2008 when Chad and I sat down to figure things out we agreed on one item only. That singular point was the fact that whenever we saw anything related to the phrase “monster cadillac hearse” that we had to either run the video, show the car, or otherwise recognize its existence. These things do not happen every day so the opportunities must be taken when they present themselves. Case in point, this tug of war between a monster Cadillac hearse and a retired Army deuce and a half truck.

One the face of it, you look at the two combatants and immediately write off the deuce. The Caddy is bigger, looks heavier, has some sort of hot roddy engine in it and is essentially built to be a goofy rig meant for having fun and doing stuff like dominating tug of war contests with old Army trucks. The deuce is kind of sad in comparison. The paint is faded, it doesn’t have the neat and flashy looks of the Caddy and with a whopping 130hp turbocharged engine, power seems to be severely lacking as well. Before you totally cast of the truck, remember that these things were used for ages and not because they sucked at their job. Mechanical pack mules that couldn’t win a drag race but were capable of dragging whatever they needed behind them got the job done all over the globe.

That being said can it win a public contest against a more juiced up opponent? Press play and watch!


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