A group of Utah doctors is planning on suing the guys from the Diesel Brothers television show because they claim that the guys have illegally modified vehicles and are harming the environment. According to the Salt Lake Tribune, the doctors have sent a letter to the Diesel Brothers shop and threatened them with legal action if they don’t stop what they are doing. The story goes onto say that the group wants the brothers to take back all the trucks that they have worked on and essentially return them to stock.
Apparently the health department in the local area has tested some of the trucks from the Diesel Brothers shop and found them to have emitted more when the exhaust sniffer was being used but the health department apparently had no idea that there was any sort of legal action in progress.
This is a first for us, hearing about something like this. We have heard about people getting whacked by the EPA and stuff like that but never with a private group chasing after a business for modifying cars or trucks. We don’t know how this one will turn out but it is a scary potential precedent for sure. Hit the link to read the full story.
I don’t know but I’d say that that stupid “rolling coal” thing would make many people inclined to go after the hot rod diesel guys with whatever they got. I’m guessing these boys would say they don’t do that, but I’ve never watched the show.
Yeah the roll-coal douchebags are a just ruining diesel for everyone. Don’t get me wrong, its badass. But the people who don’t like diesel don’t like it partly because its’ “bad for the environment”. When its burning as it should, it isn’t, but when you’re spewing soot everywhere, it is.
Hey Brian, great article. I never really liked that show very much. It was just over scripted bs most of the time. Kind of surprised that those doctors would give two shits about a dozen or so modified diesel rigs, but say nothing about any other modified vehicles. I guess the black smoke choochin was probably too much for them.
By the way we should get some of the old umass Motorsports crew together sometime!
In my opinion (which I’m entitled to) diesels are just another passing fad like vans & harleys & mini-trucks & ricers & orange painted rear axle covers, although diesels can be more offensive – With that being said: it’s not the vehicles fault but those that drive them – The problem is diesels Are harmful to people and the enviroment. If don’t believe me let me blast you in the face with some diesel smoke, like these ass hat diesel drivers like to do, to others drivers sitting in traffic, with their windows down – Yes, I know it’s just the minority of diesel drivers that act like ass hats but it gives the proper acting diesel owners a bad name too…….
I know nostalgia is always popular and in 20 – 30 years harleys & mini-trucks & ricers will gain back in popularity. I just hope that orange painted rear axle covers & diesels don’t make a come back but to each their own
Diesels aren’t harmful to the environment, when you crank the injectors way up and spew soot evreywhere then yea it is. CO2 from vehicles accounts for a surprisingly small percentage of CO2 pollution, but doing that just makes you a dick. And you’re right, it does ruin it for anyone else who owns diesel.
I get so sick a Fn tired of the attack on diesels. Yeah there\’s douches who blow thick clouds of soot at near every stop light, but its far less harmful than some old Chevy truck with a oil burning 350 chugging down the road with glasspacks fracturing ear drums at every overpass. Just leave the diesel guys alone. We hate the ridiculous clouds of smoke as much as you, but attacking the entire community only comes back on hot rodding as a whole.
I couldn’t agree more with this statement. There are a lot of diesel performance enthusiast that hate the people blowing smoke for the sake of blowing smoke just as much as the rest of you. Most of your true diesel guys brag about how little their truck smokes, not about how they covered the road with a cloud.
Those Utah doctors all drive Priuses with one hand down their pants and have to wear diapers as they lose control of their bodily functions every time they catch a whiff of diesel exhaust….
Calling this a dangerous precedent…is being polite about it.
Depending on what state you live in, it’s already been illegal to modify a road vehicle since the late ’60s early ’70s. Each time another video gets posted of a “hold my beer and watch this” stunt it’s driving another nail in the coffin of our hobby. Perhaps the biggest offenders need to get slapped down.
Diesels pick up trucks are for towing.
Brian Moench is the person behind this threat – it’s not a lawsuit until it’s filed – what a nut job. Google him, his day job is drugging people.
I\’d think, the threat of a suit, is more to get the EPA off it\’s butt..
I mean come on.. a TV show about bypassing the federal emission controls on vehicles used on public roadways..
This should\’ve been condemned by everyone in the performance hobby and aftermarket.. as it shines a light on the Greenies point of the performance aftermarket causing greenhouse gases and global warming/climate change or whatever the buzz word is this week..
We all, no matter if oil burner fans or gas want the epa going on a mission of removing any vehicle from the roadway that has had the fed. mandated emission controls removed or bypassed..
The show in general was a bad idea for just this reason..
If, this legal action grows legs and all the greenie groups get behind it, The Epa will be more than happy to push a bill that for the RMV to issue tags proof of all emission equipment being accounted for and working.. EVEN IN NON TESTED AREAS..
Sadly I think this will grow legs..
On my way home from the Goodguys show in Puyallup, Wa. Friday in my ’55 Chevy, had two different douchbags with Powerjoke diesels try to egg me on into racing them by “rolling coal” right into my open window. Unfortunately, traffic prevented me from embarrassing the shit out of them, like I have done several other times. What a bunch of dicks.
I got a fresh cup of ball sweat for the epa as so they can wash down the rolling coal smoke. it seems like there a little choked up.