Watch This Freightliner Sand Rail Scale The Dunes At Pismo Beach – The Beast Rules

Watch This Freightliner Sand Rail Scale The Dunes At Pismo Beach – The Beast Rules

If there’s a guaranteed way to be awesome in this world it would be to take a Freightliner truck and convert it into what amounts to a massive sand rail like you see in this video. We’re not sure if this monster buggy still exits or not because the footage we have below was shot a while ago, but the fact that it ever did exist makes us smile. With monster agricultural tires on the back that look suspiciously like the 66″ jobs found on monster trucks, larger flotation style truck tires on the front, seating for a half dozen people and a big diesel inliner, this is about as close to huge, ugly perfection as man has ever gotten. We have seen these trucks with different engines in them but since this one sounds like a big inline six, we’re guessing it is a Cummins, maybe of the 350hp variety? You’ll see that it has plenty of guts to throw sand and really churn those big rear tires which is impressive all on its own!

The caption on the video says that the rig weights 15,000lbs before anyone sits in it. We’ve never guessed anyone’s weight at the county fair before but it seems like it may be a legitimate number when you take into account the weight of the engine and tires alone! It is hilarious to watch this thing zip and bounce across the sand while there ATVs buzz around it like mosquitos or flies. We’re not certain but it seems like that big red pill looking thing on the back may be the fuel tank that provides the liquid courage for rig to frolic in the sand. Can something this big frolic? Who knows….but we want a ride!


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1 thoughts on “Watch This Freightliner Sand Rail Scale The Dunes At Pismo Beach – The Beast Rules

  1. geo815

    Never thought I’d see a Freightshaker be a pied piper for quad-lemmings. I wonder how much beer it took to come up with that idea? Neat.

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