This video was taken a couple of winters ago but it is certainly germane to what is happening in a large swath of the country this winter with record snowfalls in some places and crazed, unexpected snowfalls in others. Clearly this video was shot in a part of the world where big snow is not a huge surprise because the farmer who is clearing these streets with a massive Steiger Tiger II tractor and a V-plow that looks like something out of a comic book was prepared. Not only was he prepared, he showed up with one of the coolest snow fighting weapons we have seen in any of the plow videos featured this year. The Steiger Tiger II is a serious tractor, as if you didn’t know that already.
With nearly 30,000lbs of weight anchoring it to the Earth, a 14L Cummins V8 for power, and a 10-speed transmission, this was a unit designed to drag massive plows through the Earth on equally massive farms so pushing some white junk out of the way isn’t much of a challenge, although you can hear all 903ci of Cummins V8 working as the big machines rumbles by the end of this lady’s driveway.
One of the things I like about this video is the genuine astonishment you hear in her tone as the tractor passes. There’s some jubilation mixed with a little tinge of nervousness as the huge machine comes by but she certainly was impressed by what she saw. There’s nothing worse than digging through a densely packed snowbank, especially if you have already been digging like a maniac to clear your driveway but we’ll admit that every time a road grader or big loader has come past the BS eastern offices this winter to roll back the bankings we have watched in appreciation of the mighty machines as they reburied our stuff.
You don’t even have to like tractors to love the sight of this big green monster “saving the day” and opening toe road in this neighborhood. It must have been some fun to be driving it the day this was filmed. This guy comes through like a boss!
One benefit to living in a farming/rural community 🙂
Perfect machine for narrower residential streets. Only has to make one pass to open the road. The six foot snow wall at the end of the driveway is your problem.
Really cool vid. Did anyone notice the title of the vid though? “Combine plowing our street”
Had a laugh at that.