We need your help! Thanks for a tip from BangShifter Christon Gerber we have video of a guy named Doug Smith hammering up a (dirt) hill climb that was held in Lisbon, Ohio. This is not the bendy, twisty, miniature road race kind of hill climb, this is the brute strength, near vertical truck style hill climb. The only thing is that Smith is in a freaking Chevy Nova. It is ratty looking, it sounds like the end of the world, and it can also take sweet jumps as this video also proves. We want to find Mr Smith and get the inside scoop on this meanest of trars that we have ever seen. We want to know the engine, the axles, the story of the build and what else he does with this tank. We know it has plenty of horsepower and it has stout suspension…now we need to know the rest.
This video is a gem because the whole thing is under 10 seconds long and gets right to the point. We pick it up with the Nova ripping up the hill and throwing dirt and junk everywhere. The thing leaps past the assembled media half way up the trip and shoots up the rest of the trail in a cloud of brown with the engine screaming in the background. The reaction of the people around the guy filming is perfection. They are all bouncing off the walls and screaming for the awesome little Nova.
It is definitely four wheel drive as the axle is visible in flight, but what’s the rest of the story. PAGING DOUG SMITH….PAGING DOUG SMITH!
This is Doug Smith on Tri County’s Outlaw Hill Climb July 26, 2015
This is Doug Smith on Tri County’s Outlaw Hill Climb July 26, 2015
here’s another: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOCv0t3mcsA
and I think this is the same car, just different engine?