You Make The Call: Which Rig Wins This Tug Of War? The Lifted 4WD Dodge Or The 2WD Ford Wrecker?

You Make The Call: Which Rig Wins This Tug Of War? The Lifted 4WD Dodge Or The 2WD Ford Wrecker?

The tug of war is a simple contest that depends on two things. Power and traction. In the battle you will watch below we have a mud caked Dodge Ram truck that has obviously been attacking the local trails and a nice clean Ford wrecker. The Dodge is a four wheel drive whereas the wrecker is a dually that uses only the rear axle to get the power to the ground. This is a pretty interesting match up. While the Ford may have some more gear under it, you’d think that the four big tires on the Dodge would give it a very distinct advantage on contact patch alone but as you will see, there is more to being successful at this than just having tires that turn!

Truck tug of war contests are kind of interesting because while we had heard about them in years past, it seems that YouTube has accelerated the growth of the phenomenon at astronomical levels over the last few years. When two rigs are hooked together you can pretty much guarantee that someone is filming and uploading video like every six seconds. As long as they are done in a safe and controlled environment we’re cool with this madness mainly because it is fun to watch a mano-y-mano competition and see who is stronger/better/more nuts.

Ok, two trucks have entered and only one can leave victorious. Place your bets and press play!


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