Category Archive: 1320 Tech Story, BangShift 1320

A Cool G Part Deux: Our 383 LS Gets Boost And Makes Over 1000 Horsepower For The Street

By: Richard Holdener ( Back in part 1 we introduced Bangshifters to our Cool G 383 build up. What started out as a simple, iron-block 5.3L was quickly transformed into a 383 stroker by...

The BangShift Way To A Cool G: We’re Building A 1,000hp LS!

(By Richard Holdener (  The start of any build up should always begin with a goal. That said, the goal should be both realistic and achievable-blah, blah, blah, oh to hell with it,...

Destruction Photos: What Happens When A Big Aluminum Rod Fails At 10,000 RPM

Last Friday I had occasion to visit my friends Dana and Jon at Custom Automotive Machine in Weymouth, Massachusetts for a story on the nostalgia nitro funny car they have run successfully out of...