
the car junkie daily magazine.


25,000 – This Is The 25,000th Blog Item That BangShift Has Published Since November 21, 2008

25,000 – This Is The 25,000th Blog Item That BangShift Has Published Since November 21, 2008

No balloons fell from the ceiling and the coldly computerized mind of our content management system did not offer me a handshake or a high five. Nothing really happened or will happen when this 25,000th blog item in the history of BangShift gets loaded into the system and then fired off into cyberspace for you to check out on 12/22/2017. I’m actually writing this on 12/21/17 as most of our content that gets run on any given day has been loaded in to said content management system the day or night before. That’s the nature of the business around here as it has been since we first posted on 11/21/2008. It has been an interesting nine years and it has been a busy nine years as well.

First, some numbers.

You know the first one: 25,000 – That’s what this story represents.

3,319 – that is the number of days between 11/21/2008 and today.

474 – that is the number of weeks between 11/21/2008 and today.

9 years, 1 month, 2 days – that’s the elapsed time between then and now.


In that time we have averaged:

7.53 posts per day….EVERY DAY.

52.74 posts per week…EVERY WEEK

2,772 posts per year…EVERY YEAR

The 25,000 number represents “first run” stories, not repeats or reruns or best of stuff. It is 25,000 fresh pieces of content that the “machine” counts. It is wild and when I look back, at least 15-20 of those stories are pretty good. Ok, maybe I am overestimating. I’m proud of what these years and more than 15,300 blog items I’ve written and the more than 6,000,000 words I have posted here represent. I am proud of what we were and what we are. This is not breaking rocks in the hot sun, but it is work, that is for sure.

Bryan McTaggart has been an essential part of all the stuff that has has been going on for the last couple of years. The dude has racked up more than 5,000 posts on the site to this point and his stuff has brought an awesome, creative, and new perspective to BangShift that has been been invaluable. Between his Rough Start items and the mysterious “Parts Counter Guy”, he’s really done an awesome job in producing content. Not only that, he has become a huge part of the live streaming aspect of the site, jumping in and handling multiple races on his own and with Chad.

Of course Chad has been the driving force behind the live streaming side of the website since we kicked it off. From those early days when we had choppy, weird video to today when we have streams that go for 12 hours at a whack without interruption from some of the coolest races in the country, Chad’s been the guy making sure we had the technology and the spot to bring the best coverage we could to our readers and the best exposure to our sponsors. Our live streaming will continue in 2018 as strong as it has been in the previous years. We’re not the first guys to ever get ourselves into that part of the internet but we have been at it a long time. Chad’s baked, frozen, and sweated through the majority of our broadcasts and while McTag and I have been involved (hell, I famously fell off the scaffolding one time and ended up in the hospital) he’s been the guy anchoring that stuff from Bakersfield to Epping.

From car features to stories about racing history, photo galleries and more, BangShift has always been about anything and everything that makes noise and goes fast…or slow. I have always in my heart believed that gearheads are gearheads and cool stuff appeals to everyone. You have proven that time and time again since 2008. Tractors, trains, rockets, and other stuff that is about as far afield from hot rodding as you can get has drawn views and visitors from around the world and I can’t say there is any better feeling than that.

We have always strived to get as much quality into our quantity as possible. In moments of sadness like Bob Glidden’s passing we’ve tried to deliver memorials fitting to the people they are remembering. In moments of triumph we have tried to celebrate with those that also had their fists pumping.

24,999 posts ago, we stared as a website rising from the ashes of a failed venture called Car Junkie TV. It was a deal that if launched today would be massively successful but in 2008 it was ahead of its time and then the economy collapsed. There are people who read the site daily who were there for that period of time. To those mighty few, I’d pass long a heartfelt thanks. From the foundation you created we were able to build on and create what we have today. I’m the son of a dedicated small business owner who taught me through his actions that putting your head down and working your ass off can put you in a place to provide for your family. I’m very glad I had that upbringing because that has been the philosophy around here since day one. With any luck I am writing about our 50,000th post in a shorter interval than our 25,000th.

Contributors. Through the years we have had more than 1,200 posts made by contributors from around the country and around the automotive world. Guys like Joe Grippo, Charles Wickam, and Loren Krussow have been here since moment one. Craig Fitzgerald, Greg Rourke, Bob Chiluk, David Whealon, Dave Nutting, Doug Gregory, Brad Klaassen, Jacob Marshall, Tony Sestito, and others have been integral in bringing us coverage from events around the country and the globe. Their work and photos have contributed to an archive that is insane by any account. We have many HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of photos from drag races, road races, mud races, tractor pulls, car shows, swap meets, trade shows, builds, shops, and whatever else you can think of in our archive. It is among the largest on the internet as far as car stuff goes.

On behalf of Chad Reynolds, Bryan McTaggart, and myself…thank you. It’s a wild ride and one that we do not plan on jumping off of any time soon.






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35 thoughts on “25,000 – This Is The 25,000th Blog Item That BangShift Has Published Since November 21, 2008

  1. KCR

    Every morning I get up,take my meds,set down read the news,check my emails and go through Bang Shift.Then I go about my day. Thank you very much for this sight. Its real gearhead stuff,not all just cars . A great mix I really enjoy it .And I have told a lot of people about it . Thanks again.

  2. yoududeness

    a day without bang shift is a day filled with low horsepower boring cars , to say you folks lift my spirits would be a understatement,,,, let\’s believe that our higher power allows us to carry on yes you guys matter

  3. take the bow

    You have to discount the 3,794 reposts that you have slid in,Brian.
    Running stories 6, 7 and more times doesn\’t count.

    And of course,not crediting BangShifters who supplied you with stories that you personally didn\’t acknowledge never bodes well.

    1. jerry z

      WOW! And Merry Christmas to you TTB.

      I have become Bangshift junkie (as well as a C/L junkie) and have to thank Chad and Dave (Freiburger) for failing Car Junkie TV. Yes I say failing cause since Chad and Dave went their seperate ways we have Bangshift and Roadkill!

      Life is good!

    2. Brian Lohnes Post author

      Guess you missed this line, “The 25,000 number represents “first run” stories, not repeats or reruns or best of stuff. It is 25,000 fresh pieces of content that the “machine” counts.”

  4. Wolf

    I wish I could say I was with you guys from the absolute very beginning, but it was close. When I somehow stumbled onto the site, I immediately realized “I found my people”, and it’s been a daily morning ritual since then. Thanks for the awesome job being my top gearhead site.

  5. Loren Krussow

    Being involved in an effort such as this was like a dream come true, and an education in what it takes as well. Thanks for bringing us the stories and hats off to you guys who do this day-in/day-out.

  6. Pizzandoughnuts

    I don’t know where I’d be without all the stories that you guys bring us every morning. Some of it incredibly funny, and some sad, but the automotive stories are apart of our lives. The screaming chassis and engine dyno stories are the best, as well as the vintage race videos. I’m glad I found you guys back in 08’. Thanks to all that have contributed, it’s greatly appreciated.

  7. ImpalaMatt

    Thanks Lohnes, and the whole BS crew! The best gearhead site around and always the first stop of my daily interweb travels.

  8. Larry

    I have just recently discovered your sight. Thanks for leaving all the whining and the political crap out. It’s the best on the internet for gearheads as far as I am concerned.

  9. Gary Smrtic

    Yes, thanks for the daily fix! Besides, without BS, I’d have never gotten aquainted wit Chevy Hatin’ Mad Geordie!

  10. Wayne (Gold Dart)

    Made my first post December 25, 2007. It must have been Car Junkie then. I have been on the site every day since then. There is always something that grabs my attention. Keep up the good work, as I will be looking for my daily shot of everything hot rodding. Thanks

  11. Ohio Bill

    Thanks for the BS Brian and crew, I try to check in daily for the great stuff you post! as for C H M G he must have never got to drive a L-78 chevy
    Nothing like it especially winding it thru an M-22! Keep up the great work

  12. 75Duster

    Bangshift is my morning drug of choice, I enjoy seeing and meeting the Bangshift crew at Gateway Motorsports Park.

  13. Oklxs03

    Thanks for all the hard work and time you guys put in . I’ve met you both in pasing ( thx Drag Week ! You truly meet the coolest nicest people there ) Keep it up! Thanks for being the best part of grabbing my phone in the morning . Here’s tho the n Dr 25k and the next and next!

  14. Oklxs03

    WOW really have to proof read the post first ! here’s to the next 25 k and the next and next!

    Ok that looks like English now

  15. wayne

    Quality writing, no bull, from a working man’s point of view is a winner in my book Thank You and looking forward to another 25k.

  16. Schtauffer

    Congratulations on the mile marker! I’m glad to have gotten to know you Brian, and I hope to be reading your posts for many more years.

  17. Chaun Benfield

    Congratulations on 25,000 posts. Thank you to everyone at bangshift for all you do. Don’t Let Up.

  18. Singapore Hot Rod

    I’m a drag racer (Bever Spring) and hot rodder from Pennsylvania, but I work in Singapore.

    I look at your site every night before bed and each day while drinking my coffee. I really enjoy your articles. It’s a nice representation of home built hot rods and car crafters.

    Keep up the great work!

  19. Scott Liggett

    I wanted to thank Brian and Chad for letting me post stories of working on my pieces of crap. Also, sending in silly stories of my road trips, plus pictures of car shows and such. These stories helped me get my current job.

    Of course, the website has been a wealth of entertaining stories over the last nine years. Thanks guys.

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