Last month we reported on the case of Daniel Ott Sr., the 71-year old Ohio man who was scooped up by Federal authorities as part of the bust of a large car theft and chop shop ring. At the time of his arrest Ott bragged to have stolen more than 100 of the cars. He also claimed that he was paid $1,200 per ‘Vette.
Ott appeared in court this week and plead not guilty in front of the judge. He was sporting a bruise on his noggin and his arm was in a sling due to a “fall” he took while in jail. The story we read reported that Ott waved to his proud wife and son when entering the court room. They must have been thrilled.
Ott has until August 18th to change his plea to guilty. The judge set the trial date at September 7.
If you remember from our first report, this guy has had a “thing” for stealing cars for some time. He spent a good chunk of the early 2000s in the clink for transporting stolen vehicles across state lines, went back into the cooler in 2007 for receiving two stolen Corvettes, and now this.
It seems like Mr Ott will be spending a portion of his remaining “golden years” in the grey bar motel, where the owners of the cars he stole would like him to be.
Source — — 71-year old Corvette Thief Pleads Not Guilty