(Photo: UPI)
Today is Memorial Day, an important day of remembrance for our country that honors the people who have spilled their blood in order to defend our way of life. Memorial Day is dedicated to remembering and honoring those that have died in the service of our county. It is an important distinction between this and Veterans Day. A national holiday since 1971, Memorial Day actually began as Decoration Day after the Civil War. Decoration Day was intended to provide a marked day on the calendar for people to decorate the graves of those men who died fighting in that bloody and awful war. As our history progressed and the list of conflicts grew, the scope of the holiday was expanded but its intentions remain the same.
We realize that within the regular readers of the blog, the members of our forum section, and those people just stopping by to check things out, we have a lot of veterans, active service people, and future service people as well. To each and every one of you we’d like to extend our hand in a hearty show of thanks for everything you have done and will do in the future to keep our families safe and to maintain a level of normalcy in our daily lives that most of us take for granted. While today is specifically intended to recognize, remember, and honor those that gave the ultimate sacrifice, we feel it is important to thank anyone willing to put themselves in harm’s way for our freedom. In short, this is a day to honor those that never came home.
Enjoy this day, enjoy your freedom, and make it a point to remember and reflect on those who have given it to us by sacrificing their own lives for our country. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate, but taking that time to recognize why this day exists is super important in our eyes.
Enjoy your Memorial Day.