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A Photo That Begs the Question: Ballsy or Just Stupid?

A Photo That Begs the Question: Ballsy or Just Stupid?

This photo was posted in our forum section by BangShift member HPA-Bodies. He said that this potential disaster on wheels happened by him, and since we know he lives in NY and the truck has NY plates on it, we believe him. He also said that the driver got 17 tickets for doing this. We also believe that, too because this is the craziest thing we’ve seen on an American highay since, oh, forever. 

Who ever did this really has some sack. You have to know a few of his buds tried to stop him and he waved ’em off, saying, “This thing ain’t goin’ anywhere!” While gently pushing on the side of the wayward Taurus.

Look at the photo and comment below, in our new snappy commenting section.

Is this guy ballsy or the dumbest bastard ever? You decide below!

Chevy truck with Taurus in bed 

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24 thoughts on “A Photo That Begs the Question: Ballsy or Just Stupid?

  1. Anonymous

    Well, the engine/transaxle IS in the front of the Taurus so most of the weight is over the truck’s axle. I’m thinking that this explains why the whole deal didn’t go over backwards. I’d love to know what the 17 tickets were for – is gross stupidity against the law in NY? Obscured license plate would be one.



  2. Marcus

    I am a little skeptical, mostly since the rear suspension does not seem to be bottoming out as it should with a load four times the rated load for the vehicle. I wonder why it is worth destroying the pickup for the POS Taurus, too. I would have expected to see him trying to tow it with that same web strap, maybe he wanted to keep the mileage down on the Taurus and save the tread wear on the tires.

  3. Anonymous

    The scrappers in Chicago are a crazy bunch. I’ve seen full size cars strapped on pickups a few times, but they put them on sideways. Chicago police don’t seem to notice.

  4. rebeldryver

    Same guy, later that night, was seen with a twenty foot tall stack of pallets held on bu a single piece of twine.

    Around here, people would be still tailgating his dumbass for going too slow.

  5. Anonymous

    Here is another shot from across the highway. Times are tuff in the streets, yeah gota make a buck any way you can lol.


  6. alykat

    Some people still live simply because it is against the law to kill them. An exception should be made in this case.

  7. herbie

    This is Real, my boss saw it on the way to work– he was taking it to a local scrap yard- this gives Rednecks a bad name! LOL

  8. Frank Macaluso

    I took the picture in my Black BMW. Here’s the story:

    I was on a local road running some errands on Monday when across the way on Route 17, I spotted some police lights and had to look. Everybody loves a rubbernecker?Ǫ and I?

  9. Anonymous

    i saw a wrecker hauling a car with no wheels or suspension once. he had the frontend of the car balanced on the bed of the wrecker and the cable strung out to the rear of the car, then he just picked up the rear of the car and headed down the road. yes it did sway around somewhat

  10. Anonymous

    Except for the over hang without a red flag whats the problem?
    He couldn’t flat tow it because it doesn’t have a plate.

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