
the car junkie daily magazine.


A Sad Public Announcement: Fire is Not Good

A Sad Public Announcement: Fire is Not Good

Back in early December we talked on our message board about a fire that took place in Weymouth, Massachusetts. The fire destroyed some great old cars and in the process broke the spirit of their owner, 89-year-old Ray Bean, Sr.

The cars, a ’29 Buick, a ’64½ Mustang convertible, and a one-of-three-in-existence ’15 Dodge Touring car were all destroyed by the fire and the photos are below to show the macabre, burned up, carcasses.

Bean is a bit of a local legend. He drove the Dodge and Buick regularly and was known as a skilled machinist and craftsman. Along with the cars, his lathe, milling machine, and other tools were wrecked.

The story gets sadder with the inclusion of more details, so we’re going to leave a sleeping dog where it lies.

We will say this. The fire started when Bean was trying to jumpstart the Buick. In the process, the battery exploded, starting the fire that eventually consumed his entire shop and nearly killed him.

Be careful out there guys. Take all the necessary precautions while working in your shops and garages. It was a pretty freak deal that got Ray Bean, something he’s probably done hundreds of times over the course of the more than half a century he owned the Buick, but this time proved to be different.

Fire extinguishers need to be checked monthly to make sure they are charged and ready to go. Make sure you’ve got a couple. The photos below should provide all the motivation in the world.

Mustang destroyed in fire

Mustang destroyed in fire

Mustang destroyed in fire

'29 Buick destroyed in fire

'29 Buick destroyed in fire

'29 Buick destroyed in fire

'15 Dodge destroyed in fire

'15 Dodge destroyed in fire

'15 Dodge destroyed in fire

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