He goes by PeterMJ and he HATES C7 Corvettes. We don’t mean in the joking, funny, “I’m a car guy breaking someone’s chops,” kind of way. We mean in the aggressive, profane, insulting, and personally demeaning way that warring peoples hate each other. We mean in the so over the top, wed had to check to check if this was for real kind of way and trust us it is very much for real. PeterMJ has a blog and he has posted on that blog dutifully for the last two years on an almost daily basis about how the C7 Corvette is quite possibly the worst thing to happen to modern civilization since cloning, nuclear war, contagious disease, and economic disaster….combined.
From the tires, to the seats, to the employees at GM that designed it, to the people that write about it (we’re thinking that there may be a love letter waiting for us after this) he calls ’em names, mocks their every decision, and given the opportunity he would probably whizz in their shoes before they had the chance to put ’em on in the morning.
Don’t believe us? Here’s a smattering of blog post titles over the last two years:
Another reason why not to drive Corvette C7 Stingray in winter and another design flaw
Orange peel on Corvette C7 Stingray makes Florida growers proud!!!
Effects of engine replacements on resale value of Corvette C7 Stingray
Is Tadge Juechter too stupid to come up with a Corvette C7 Stingray designed for a drag strip?
The last headline opens the door for the fact that PeterMJ has a LOT of personal animosity towards Tadge Jeuchter, the Chief Engineer and Vehicle Line Director for the Corvette program. PeterMJ refers to Tadge as the “self proclaimed” chief engineer but his title at GM is as listed above, so unless he proclaimed that to HR and they signed off, he seems to be the legitimate chief engineer on the program. It is pretty wild how purely angry he is a Jeuchter with lots of his blog posts either taking swipes at the guy or completely focused on attacking him. The craziest thing in all of this?
PeterMJ drives a C6 Corvette (or he at least intimated as such on his blog and in the forum section he set up to support it) and Tadge Jeuchter was a huge part of the team that designed that car, which he purports to be better in every single respect to the C7. We mean EVERY respect.
From the tire selection to the quality of the paint, to the fit and finish of the car’s construction, to the pricing, weight distribution, media coverage, options, roof fitment, how people are actually modifying their own cars, aerodynamics, transmission, and whatever else you can think of, spending five minutes on the blog would lead you to believe that a C7 Corvette is just slightly inferior to an arthritic mule in terms of transportation options. We went all the way back to the very beginning of the blog, to ground zero to try and determine what, if anything caused this to start. There had to be some reason, some singular event to trigger this much anger in a person over a car that they do not own but we came up one reason short. The blog just hits the ground running and there’s no backstory or reason as to why PeterMJ would prefer to see every C7 Corvette parked next to the Titanic. As mentioned above, we’re pretty sure is does own a C6, though.
We’re all about automotive passion here and PeterMJ certainly has it in spades, it is just being directed in a strange way. The one thing that’s most surprising to us is the fact that there’s THIS many things to hate about a C7 Corvette. Multiple posts every day for years?! That’s epic.
Sensing an apparent groundswell of support on his views of both the C7 Corvette and (plot twist) the Dodge Viper, of which we believe he is also an owner, PeterMJ started a forum section and this may surprise you but it is dominated by posts crafted by PeterMJ. There is one lone response from someone who is not PeterMJ, but you get where we are going here. Here’s a link to the forum section.
We’re not sure you want to wade into these waters but it is interesting to see one guy’s take on all things C7, especially when everything he sees is some sort of catastrophic failure involving the car. Hit the link below if you want to see this blog, we’re pretty sure you’ve never seen anything like it in the automotive realm. Hell, we may have never seen this in any sort of realm!
Click here to see the angriest C7 blog in the known universe
Guitar Slinger, they’ve found your blog!
Is a C7 a kind of Kombi? whodathunk it?
We all know that those air-cooled flat-fours could kick the C7 around the Nurburgring!
not the standard ones – they have to be built by GS Eurotrash Racing.
I kinda want to create a fake business with that name now…
Hey .. wiseacre …. that would be a water cooled flat six … and you’re damn right in an honest , non -manipulated heads up race a Porsche with equally capable drivers in each car .. even a Cayman S .. will kick the C7’s @$& into oblivion … thats assuming the pos C7 can stay on the track
Blind patriotism . Such a sad affliction . No cure in sight either .
As to John T’s ‘ Eurotrash ‘ comment . Better to be the lowest of the low Eurotrash than to be American White Trash … guaranteed . Not only do they live better than you . But they drive , eat and drink better than you as well 😉
You’re an idiot, you really are. Have you even been to Europe lately? Any part of it? Do you even read newspapers?
Most of Europe is in recession, with Spain, France, Portugal and Greece all economically struggling.
Others not so bad to be in recession are still in bad shape with few European nations prospering.
You’ve posted some laughably stupid garbage in the past, but with this, especially your “Blind patriotism” remark, you really show your brutally stupid and hypocritical self.
Grow a brain, dumbass.
Im a homosexual who drives a prius
there you go jumping to conclusions again. I’m not American, idiot. How the fuck do you know how I eat, drink or anything else? Oh, and if you actually READ any of the comments before sprouting your bullshit you’d see we were discussing Kombi’s, not Porsches. So the flat 4 comment was correct and, yet again, you are wrong.
@ Mooseface – Seriously !!! This guy must be some sort of distant relative or something . Either that or a minority of folks are finally coming to their senses when it comes to the Camaro with a Vette nose job stuck on top of last years Z06 platform and masquerading as if its something new … not to mention perhaps as I do having a direct connection to Das Ring and knowing damn full well GM’s been playing games with the numbers and the videos
So two thumbs up to this guy despite the fact that he’s more than a bit obsessive about his hatred of the C7 . I mean … I despise every aspect of the C7 and am more than glad to comment on it when the subject comes up . But to maintain an entire blog dedicated to ones hatred of the C7 pos ? That …. is verging on the insane
Full discloser to all my butt head detractors here attempting to imply I hate all things Corvette . Fact is … I love C2’s … can tolerate C3’s … the C6 was the pinnacle of the breed … with my personally recommending C6’s over 50 time with a good 40 of those winding up as sales .. and then it all going straight to hell in a hand basket with the pastiche mash up design posing as a C7
I’m glad to read that you’ve caught I was cracking wise.
I wouldn’t argue that there are a handful of other cars that could go ’round the ring much faster for a lot less money and plastic.
I don’t have the grey hair, Tommy Bahama shirts, massive comb-over or collection of Viagra required to be a ‘Vette guy, so I kind of delight at people taking pot shots at this thing
I just chuckled…. out loud… in the office.
Until they mentioned his name, I thought that this was about the Outsider’s blog.
I mean, I don’t particularly like the C7, but, jeez, this guy is rabid. Gotta be related to GuitarSlinger somehow.
This guy is a mental case. To obsess over this car and expend this much energy is hard to comprehend. I think he truly wants one but GM wouldn’t take his order.
Ha ! Shows how little you know about GM’s current sales ! Fact is … despite having no job … lousy credit …. and not one thin dollar in your wallet : if you can fog up a mirror and walk under your own power …. GM’s little partner … Ally Bank will give you enough credit to buy anything on the lot [ or order book ] .. for up to six years I might add
Probably saw as a kid PeterMJ, Sr. writing a string of nasty letters to GM when the C3’s came out in the fall of 1967.
And as usual the comments have turned into a pissing match and ruined another blog for me yet again
Nice to know that when I get all nostalgic for the way the guys bitched about the -new- ’82 Camaro for five years, I can just go here now…
Second time this week I’ve seen what I assume is an auto-corrected “intimated” for the word “indicated”.
I try not to study toys I can’t afford. That said, I like the C7 just fine. It isn’t up to Porsche’s workmanship. Big flipping news, right there: It’s a GM product that is known as the performance bargain, not the handcrafted wunderkar of the well-heeled. I mean, shit, what do you expect from a Chevy? It’s a great car *for the money*. Spend the same $$ on a Porsche and fairly consistently and throughout history, that Porsche will get violated by the Vette. Money no object, buy the German for the fit, finish & handling. That’s how it has always been… right?
As for PeterMJ’s blog… I’m going with undiagnosed mental illness. Not that he’s factually incorrect, just that he’s clearly unhinged in his focus.
Hate all you want, when you’re in a Corvette all you hear is the sound of awesome.
For most Corvette owners, that “awesome”:sound they’re hearing is the squeal of their hearing aids . . . 🙂
Quite the obsession the guy has.
Unhealthy obsession? I’m no shrink, but who really wants to spend their life focusing on negativity?
I mean, I didn’t like anything about the new body Chevy trucks (I couldn’t get past the square wheel wells and chicken wire grill) when they first came out… but I find life is more enjoyable when I don’t spend it thinking about something I dislike – and judging from the number of them running around, my opinion clearly wasn’t in the majority.
I never liked the C7 from any of the early release photos online. Then I actually saw one at a dealership. Its more of an abomination in person. GM is so out of touch on so many levels nowadays…at least the trucks are looking better.
Granted, having such a mad hate-boner that you create a blog to espouse your loathing seems a tad excessive…but he still has valid points.
Tom Slater, I don’t know where you’re from dude, but if I ever run into you, I’d like to buy you a beer. These other, blow hard, morons just don’t get it! As I have posted on many a topic, WHY are there so many idiots out there spending so much time hating this brand or that? GS tops the list.
The C7 is awesome. There’s nothing in it’s price range that comes close. Few at double the price that do.
It’s a great car, regardless of the handful of obsessive haters.
Yawn. Making fun of the hideous, plasticy, poorly-assembled pushrod C7 is a bit like bullying one of the homely, fat girls that rides the short bus. . . .
It’s pointless and impolite. Those who love them will continue to do so despite what you say .. . And those who objectively see things as they really are have already been convinced of the technical and aesthetic superiority of other alternatives.
Besides, GM’s hidebound culture and penny-pincher mentality makes them powerless to change the C7 anyway. At least it’s not killing the customers because of a five-cent ignition switch . . . .
I have never driven a Corvette, but the 2 people I know that do, love them. Of course, neither of them own a new one, so……
The issue I have, here, is the writing. Hey, Brian, were you drunk when you wrote this? One would just naturally assume that a professional would not make so many errors. Please either invest in a spell checker, or hire a proofreader. I may be accused of being the grammar police, but I don’t care. It was painful to read this amateur article.
To read PeterMJ’s blog is to take a glimpse into mental illness.
We were made to endure PeterMJ over at Corvette Forum until he was eventually banned.