
the car junkie daily magazine.


BangShift Book Review: Hot Rod Magazine All the Covers

BangShift Book Review: Hot Rod Magazine All the Covers

If you are a fan or collector of old car magazines, this is one that needs to hit your shelf in a hurry. Hot Rod: All the Covers by Drew Hardin and the editors of Hot Rod Magazine tells the tale of every single cover in the magazine’s storied history. Freiburger wrote the forward and Drew Hardin, a former editor, and editorial director of the magazine compiled the rest of the stories and info about these neat snapshots of gearhead history. 

Every single year, from 1948 on has a dedicated section with an intro that sets the table for what the trends, looks, and cutting edge tech was at the time of the covers. Inside each section several of the covers are given a paragraph or two of inside info, back story, or just plain insight into what went into getting “the shot”.

We’re magazine dorks and have a big collection of Hot Rod on our shelves. That being said, we certainly don’t have them all, and the ones we’re missing are neatly preserved in this book. 

If you have a Christmas wish list, put this title on it, and quick. The big hardcover book will definitely be in short supply as we inch closer to holiday season. During SEMA, nearly all (and perhaps all) of the living former editors of Hot Rod got together for a book signing. Our copy was sitting at home, but it sure would have been something to have all those names on one page.

The history of hot rodding has been documented on the cover of Hot Rod Magazine since 1948. Here’s your chance to buy the Cliffs Notes! Motorbooks has a homerun on their hands with this one!

The book can be found at your local bookseller, Amazon.com and Motorbooks.com 

Hot Rod: All the Covers 


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