
the car junkie daily magazine.


BangShift Poll: Do You Care About the Geneva Motor Show?

BangShift Poll: Do You Care About the Geneva Motor Show?

Lots of automotive sites have been flooding the airwaves this week with coverage and glorified press releases from the 2011 Geneva Motor Show. There’s the usual bit of fawning over exotics, wry nods at the ever improving Chinese entries, and woe-is-me crying about models that will never be sold in the USA. There are also the obligatory and tired entires featuring the booth models at the show. 

We chuckle when guys who run around in sports jackets equipped with elbow patches bitch about the fact that Europe will get the equivalent of a modernized Ford Ranger and we won’t. The only way those guys will find themselves inside a pickup truck is if one flips over ontop of their Miata with them in it. The finger sandwiches are probably amazing.

Anyway, the poll question is pretty easy.

Do you care about the Geneva Motor Show?




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