
the car junkie daily magazine.


BangShift Poll: What’s Your Favorite Brand of American Car?

BangShift Poll: What’s Your Favorite Brand of American Car?

We’re unabashed fans of American iron here on the pages of BangShift and we know lots of you out there in reader land are, too. While we’re not brand loyalists in the classical sense, some of our friends and guys we have met along the way are. It’s a Mopar or no car for them, they’d rather push their Ford than drive your Chevy, and when push comes to shove, they’ll ride their particular brand right untill they can’t drive another day. 

We’ve included lots of brands in this poll, both live and dead. Why? Because since the dawn of the automobile there have been ethusiasts keeping the flame lit for companies and brands that long ago ceased to exist. Being that most of the American automotive brand shrinkage has happened within the last 40 years, lots of enthusiasts and car guys are still firmly entrenched in their love of cars that have stopped production ages ago.

So we’re interested in seeing what brand reigns supreme amongest the BangShift readership. Make the call below!



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