
the car junkie daily magazine.


BangShift Question of the Day: Can You Identify This Weirdo Homebuilt Junkyard Find?

BangShift Question of the Day: Can You Identify This Weirdo Homebuilt Junkyard Find?

BangShift member Matt was recently patrolling a junkyard near his abode in Wisconsin. While cruising the yard for parts, he came across a strange, Jeep-like homebuilt creation. Speaking in terms of homebuilt, mostly wooden construction cars, this thing looks pretty good. Don’t get us wrong, it is awful and wrong in many ways, but hey, someone sunk a lot of effort and two by fours into this beast. 

Everything but a few choice parts is constructed of wood. The hood is metal, as are the tailgate and fenders. The rest of the vehicle appears to be an concoction of plywood, and boards of differing make and model trees. It’s a total needle in a haystack but, does anyone know anything about this now abandon vehicle? Anything this odd must have a bitchin’ story behind it. 

Thanks for the photos, Matt!

Weird wooden Jeepster thing

Weird wooden Jeepster thing

Weird wooden Jeepster thing

Weird wooden Jeepster thing 

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