
the car junkie daily magazine.


BangShift Question Of The Day: What Is The Funniest Thing You Have Ever Seen Someone Do While Driving?

BangShift Question Of The Day: What Is The Funniest Thing You Have Ever Seen Someone Do While Driving?

We know that this can get way out of hand, and we’re pretty okay with that. We have done some crazy and funny and cool stuff while driving, and we assume all you cool BangShifters have as well, but what is the coolest thing you have ever seen? I remember seeing a Dog driving a car on “That’s Incredible” back in the day, but I have never seen it in person. That would be cool. I’ve seen a woman painting her toe nails while driving. And I’ve seen people smoking, shifting, and talking on the phone at the same time. We’ve seen plenty of other funny stuff too, but this is all about you guys. I think commuters and truckers are most likely to have seen the best stuff since they spend so much time on the road, but maybe we’re wrong on that one.

You tell us… What is the funniest thing you have ever seen someone do while driving?


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10 thoughts on “BangShift Question Of The Day: What Is The Funniest Thing You Have Ever Seen Someone Do While Driving?

  1. jerry z

    I’ve seen thid more times than I care to remember especially in Florida. I’m referring to “knuckle drivers”. You know there the ones you look at the car and all you see is knuckles on the knuckles on the steering wheel! How the hell can they drive!

  2. gunship148

    I once witnessed a man pulled over by two officers trying to hand one of them a full grown goat while he was still in the drivers seat.

  3. Matt Cramer

    Steering with his feet while using both hands to make a cell phone call. That can be tricky enough to do in a car, but he was on a motorcycle.

  4. Threedoor

    Kid on top of the car ‘holding down’ a mattress on the roof while the driver didn’t even have a hand on it. Evolution in action in Oak Grove KY. Lots of crazy stuff overseas

  5. Greg Rourke

    When I was driving a truck I often saw women enjoying their vibrators. Quite often, in fact. Many times folks with business papers strewn across the seats, while on the phone, and attempting to negotiate the inbound Dan Ryan during rush hour. Other truckers balancing a laptop on the steering wheel while driving Chicago expressways. Folks with plates of food on the seat, attempting to eat with a knife and fork while driving.
    My theory is people no longer “drive” a vehicle, they just “ride” in it.

  6. TheSilverBuick

    When in Italy I saw two guys on a Vespa scooter carrying a mattress. Thought that was pretty hilarious at the time.

  7. cyclone03

    Well Im the one driving,but the coolest thing I’ve seen is my 4yo grandson sitting next to me in my 68 Mustang. When we pull into the local cruise spots he either gives the people we drive past that back hand queen wave or a thumbs up. On the road he waves at the other kids trapped in thier parents mini-vans. I think he knows whats cool,and he likes it.

  8. Captnfrank

    1 A little old lady driving with her elbows and knitting 2 A car obviously overloaded in the passing lane flying with a guy with a beard in a Nun outfit smoking a big joint 3 A pickup truck pulled over at a weigh station with a 25′ cabin cruiser on top of it

  9. Troy

    1. we have pictures of my pops cruising around in his 71 vw bug, if thats not enough he always kept a baby calf in the backseat….. mom says it was them on their first date also lol…

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