
the car junkie daily magazine.


BangShift Question Of The Day: What Part Or Parts Are You Currently Lusting After But Cannot Afford?

BangShift Question Of The Day: What Part Or Parts Are You Currently Lusting After But Cannot Afford?

Like virtually all hot rodders, we have champagne tastes and a beer budget. Ok, let’s be honest here. We have box wine tastes and a prison toilet hooch budget, but you get the idea. Every day or every couple days we get on some metal tangent and go searching around the web for photos and videos of stuff we desperately want but can’t afford. Since there are some pretty strict laws about selling/trading children, we’re going to be left longing for a while. A Lenco ST1200 sits atop our DO WANT list currently and there are lots of great videos of dudes ripping the levers on the track and the street. We’ve dreamed about owning one of these sunsabitches since riding shotgun in Larry Larson’s cars so many years ago on the first Hot Rod Magazine Drag Week. It was so freaking awesome that we’ve not been able to shake the memory nearly a decade later.

After seeing all of the autocross action we have over the years, we’re constantly hopped up on the idea of a Schwartz or Roadster Shop chassis, killer handling components from RideTech and others, a blown LS engine….ok you see where this is going. We want to know what part or parts you want right now but will need  to save for!

BangShift Question Of The Day: What Part Or Parts Are You Currently Lusting After But Cannot Afford?


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