
the car junkie daily magazine.


BangShift Question Of The Day: What’s The Most “American” Car Or Truck?

BangShift Question Of The Day: What’s The Most “American” Car Or Truck?

So we’re celebrating America’s birthday on this day, July 4th. It’s a joyous day with fireworks, friends, frosty beverages, burnouts, maybe some racing for those of you hardcore enthusiasts out there, and hopefully lots of sunshine. We’re thinking that you’ll be out cruising the highways and byways in your junk as well. We know we’ll be exercising our right to burn fossil fuels on the 4th, that is for sure! All of this thinking got us hung up on trying to decide what the most “American” car or truck is. We’re not talking about the lame index that is used to determine which car or truck is physically the most American with respect to labor and components, we’re talking about which one is most representative or iconic with respect to the good ol’ U.S.A.

Obviously the Willys Jeep, Ford F250, and first generation Camaro are shown below and seem to be strong contenders in our minds but we want to know what you thing. Is it a 1959 Cadillac? The Model T? Maybe a Mack truck? We want you to do what we can’t. Answer the question and tell us what the most “American” car or truck is. Think about something we’d bury to remind generations a thousand years from now who we were as a people. What would we bury?


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10 thoughts on “BangShift Question Of The Day: What’s The Most “American” Car Or Truck?

  1. Anthony

    The Chevy Impala. No where else in the world for a real long time could a car, even a mundane plain one.as nice as one of these by considered a car for every man.

  2. jerry z

    That’s a tough call. To me these cars are iconic; 57 Chevy, 69 Camaro, and 64 Mustang.

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