
the car junkie daily magazine.


BANGshift Question Of The Day: Would You Take A Ride In A Flying Car Like This?

BANGshift Question Of The Day: Would You Take A Ride In A Flying Car Like This?

The idea of flying cars is nothing new, but they have been changing from looking like a car and a plane had a baby, to looking like a giant multi-rotor drone with a car hanging from it. So since drones are so common with kids playing with them, video being shot with them, etc, does that make a flying car that looks like a drone something you would trust more or less than a flying car with wings? And does the fact that this is a Chinese car company trying to build this freak you out? Or that the cars themselves don’t seem to be available for sale yet?

I’m not sure. But it does seem to get off the ground!


Video Description:

Flying car X3(internal code name)’s test vehicle made its maiden flight successfully. We are one step closer to the future of 3D mobility.

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5 thoughts on “BANGshift Question Of The Day: Would You Take A Ride In A Flying Car Like This?

  1. JP Verweij

    Id rather fly a PAL-V. Drives like a normal car, flies like an autogyro.
    If it aint Dutch, it aint much. No China quality for me.

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