I received this photo via email from a sender who wished to remain unnamed. His note said, “Hey guys, I found this old photo in my dad’s scrap book as we were going through his things. It looks like he clipped it from a magazine or something. Anyway, I think it is a really funny picture and it would be perfect for one of the ‘caption this photo’ you guys sometimes do. I know nothing about it other than my dad had the same sense of humor as I do and this one sure had me smiling for a few minutes. Look at all the OIL!”
Look at all the oil indeed and look at the blurred out guy on the left who looks like he’s just been delivered some bad news, the fact that the guy in the saturated coveralls is using the valve cover of the tiny engine to get some force to bed the rear quarter panel out, and the guy kneeling down on the right who seems like he’s about done wrenching on this barfing little car. The on lookers that can be spotted in the space between the hood and the “body man’s” noggin are perfect as well. This is one of the neatest photos we’ve seen in come time and damn if our tipster wasn’t right. We NEED some captions for this bad boy. Make it happen….now!
The cause of the oil leak and the rough running was identified as a bearded stowaway who had climbed into the engine compartment and fell asleep after several bottles of Thunderbird. He woke up and managed to make his escape while the owner was busy changing a wheel….
Contrary to popular belief, adjusting the timing on the modern Dauphine i does not require special tools.
“Jim, I don’t think that’s what the crew chief meant when he said ‘Hit er in the head’!”
“the NSU factory team works furiously to stay in competition for last place”
Why didnt they tell me you had to kick start this thing!
A assure you this WILL buff out.
Let me see if the wheel is tight,with the smallest ratchet i can find.while you try to impress that girl in the tight white pants.
Dont look now her comes the boss he looks richard rawlings daddy with the finger combs saying gawleee!hey arron what happened to your beard?we just have minutes till the buyer gets here,what will we do!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, Jimmy! Check this out! 40-weight makes AWESOME shoe polish!
Gosh, honey… Either that car is going through some kind of “gang-initiation”… Or that guy is trying to stick his wang into that taillight.
Three tampons, and she’ll be back on the road in no time.
this my friends is known as kicking the oil out of it