
the car junkie daily magazine.


Husband, Wife, Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Kids, Or The Dog, Who’s A Better Road Trip Co-Pilot?

Husband, Wife, Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Kids, Or The Dog, Who’s A Better Road Trip Co-Pilot?

Anyone who’s actually been on a road trip with friends, family, or the dog, knows that there are challenges with all of them. Where to eat, where to stop, where to stay, what to do at each stop, there are tons of decisions to be made during any good road trip. In addition there is navigating, decision making, gassing up the car, securing snacks, and choosing music for the road. There are LOT of things going on during a road trip and it’s always a challenge to decide who is doing what and when.

And who has the husband or wife or kid that can’t seem to stay awake for more than 30 miles? How about the one that never sleeps but you wish would?

I can tell you that there are times when all of us have wished for someone else to be riding shotgun for whatever reason. So now is your time to choose who you think is the best co-pilot on a road trip. Is it the dog? The wife? The husband? The boyfriend? The girlfriend? Or?

Let us know who you think makes the best road trip co-pilot.

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13 thoughts on “Husband, Wife, Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Kids, Or The Dog, Who’s A Better Road Trip Co-Pilot?

  1. Nate

    Whoever can help me fix the POS car I decided to take on said roadtrip, or at least tell good jokes/story’s

  2. Brendan M

    I can’t stand the smell of dog fart, so I would have to say the girlfriend. Though my wife may have a problem with that.

  3. David Beard

    Best road trip I ever took involved as little planning as possible. All that was really known the day before leaving was the destination and where we were staying when we got there. Wound up with 3 people and 2 cars, a 1970 Buick Sport Wagon and a big block 6 speed ’32 Ford roadster. 2 weeks on the road from NH to Bonneville and back. 5600 miles in total, minor problems with the Buick none with the ’32. Countless accidental adventures along the way. It was such a good road trip I don’t know if we can ever top it.

  4. KCR

    I travel daily with 3 Labradors 2 yellows and a chocolate .The girls and I have put on a lot of miles. And now no one will ride with us. My truck looks like a hair bomb went off in it . O well its the 3rd one we have done that way. I will do it like this for the rest of my life.Never an argument about the radio ,or were we stop to eat.

  5. DanStokes

    In my case – wife AND dogs! Although we don’t yet know how the little guy will do on a long car ride (he’s new and does well around town). My wife is a really pleasant traveling companion and it’s one of the joys in our life. The big dog is GREAT in the van (we have an E150 high top for road trips) – he just hops up on the rear seat and either checks out the world or sleeps. Happy times!


  6. chevy hatin' mad geordie

    A drug crazed Samoan attorney and a suitcase of every drug known to man in the trunk…

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