
the car junkie daily magazine.


Question of the Day: Who’s The Most Legendary Crew Chief In American Racing History?

Question of the Day: Who’s The Most Legendary Crew Chief In American Racing History?

For most “normal” people who are fans of racing, they concentrate their energies on the driver. It is the driver who gets the glory and the fame while the crew guys break their ass during the week and during the race to keep the car rolling. I once read a quote that I have no idea who to attribute to but it was pretty brilliant. The gist was, “If you want to impress others, grab the wheel. If you want to impress yourself, pick up a wrench.” I always liked that.

As gearheads we’re into the nuts and bolts of things, especially racing. That means we have huge respect and interest in the guy who is spearheading the whole operation, the man in that vaunted position known as, “crew chief”. Part manager, part task master, part engineer, part problem solver, and part coach, this guy is the one who gets a little credit when the car works right, or loses his job if it stops working right and won’t get better again. During NASCAR races you can hear the drivers get their crew chiefs on the radio and tear them up and down. At the drag strip, they’re normally barking at their thrashing crew guys and inspecting parts and pieces between runs, as well as computer data.

There have been dozens (or more) of legendary crew chiefs in stock car, drag, open wheel, and even monster truck racing. We want to know who you think is most legendary concentrating on American racing. Harry Hyde, Smokey Yunick, Dale Inman, and a stack of others in stock car racing. Austin Coil, Lee Beard, Keith Black, Dale Armstrong and Dick LaHaie among innumerable others in drag racing.

Who’s the best?

Question of the day: Who is the most legendary crew chief in American racing history?



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24 thoughts on “Question of the Day: Who’s The Most Legendary Crew Chief In American Racing History?

  1. J Ford

    When I was a kid (more than 25 years ago), I always looked up to Dale Armstrong. Crew Chief was a dream job for me back in the mid to late 80s. ~J~

  2. Johnny

    Tie, Austin Coil and Smokey Yunick.

    Austin for helping John win so many titles and Smokey for helping so many win so much.

    1. Henry

      Richard, I agree
      Retired- Austin Coil
      Active-Alan Johnson

      but I would add
      Deceased- Tommy TC Lemons (Garlit’s chief tire wiper & crew dawg may he RIP)

  3. Gary Smrtic

    Legendary. Humm. We do get caught up in eras, don’t we. My first thought was Dale Armstrong.
    Jr. Johnson sure is one, and if antics equates to legend, T.C. would have to top my list.
    One not here yet though is Bob Brandt, who crewed for the Snake during what I think were his best years.

  4. Alvin DeVore

    Smokey Yunick I believe 3 Daytona 500’s and Indy 500!!
    Plus lots of other wins and poles!
    So innovative the nickname for NASCAR rule book is smokeys black book or some such

  5. Mark Cain

    I think hands down it ought to be Austin Coil, No one has ever yet won as many championships. The only one who comes close would be Alan Johnson( tuning genius)

  6. The Other Hawaiian

    Roland Leong. I witnessed him tuning a funny car by long distance telephone a thousand miles away just by looking at faxed data. And that car won the event.

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