
the car junkie daily magazine.





To answer the most popular question that we have received at BangShift world HQ over the last two weeks….YES we will be live broadcasting the 2014 PRO Winter Warm Up at Palm Beach International Raceway on January 17th and 18th 2014. This is the premier pre-season test session for top level NHRA nitro cars and it is ONLY nitro cars so you’re senses will be assaulted by fuel funny cars and top fuel dragsters only over the course of those two days.

This is one of the most interesting live streams that we do every year because we show you stuff that you’ll literally see nowhere else. Our cameras will be live on Friday morning to capture the teams making test hits through the day and we’ll capture all of the awesome side by side action that goes down turing the scheduled “show” portion of the event on Friday and Saturday evenings. It will be the first chance you have in 2014 to see the likes of John and Courtney Force, Ron Capps, Doug Kalitta, Tommy Johnson Jr., Matt Hagen, Alexis DeJoria, and more than 20 other NHRA hitters. Currently there are some 26 cars committed to coming, which by our count is the biggest field of cars testing at this event in years. It’ll be our fourth time at PBIR bringing you the first NHRA nitro action of the new year and we cannot wait.

As we have done in years past, we’ll get to Florida early and record cool interviews with drivers, crew chiefs, and drag racing legends to fill the downtime between runs during the slower time at the event. Spread the word far and wide. For many of our viewers around the globe it will be their first and only chance to see the biggest names in NHRA drag racing live and in living color. To those of you European and Australian viewers out there, stock up on caffeinated beverages because those are going to be some LATE nights for you!

We’ll bring you more details as we get closer to show time, but mark your calendars and tell all of your nitro living friends that the most powerful piston driven race cars on planet Earth will be live and free streaming on BangShift January 17th and 18th 2014 — only a couple weeks away!


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  1. david powers

    now if we could get you to broadcast the entire NHRA season, we could watch without waiting for table tennis to be over …hmmmmm

  2. David C. Horsnall

    Thats great guys…just a thought but how about doing some in pit recording also between rounds. See ’em wrenching on stuff. Looks like I’m gonna be sick..cough, cough on the 18th.

  3. 88ProStreetS10

    I agree, we could use some coverage from a “fresh” prospective like BangShift when it comes to video coverage. PLEASE DO! in other words. xD Between rounds video and commentary are wonderful ideas when they aren’t racing!

  4. Mike Gates

    Would be so cool to have you doing ALL NHRA events ..even your downtime fills are better than ESPN …but I do agree that ESPN3.com coverage is great .with in booth commentary and guests ….and we all thought Paul Page was the problen

  5. Gerrit

    Yes Great. Please do film and interview in the pit area. Just show us what we would see and hear when we would be able to be there.

  6. Brian

    Considering the fact we had nothing to do with the SEMA broadcast other than having a player for it on the site, yes.


    Heading south on Friday NITRO Fix here I come also meeting with hopeful sponsor for 6 events in 2014 they are already a team sponsor branching out with PSR I hope.

  8. phil reynolds

    Brian & Chad; Every event U broadcast has been GR8 – Your chatrooms always have guest filled w/facts & knowledge – Never a dull moment – Thanks Guys, Have Fun & Be Safe …

  9. Jesse Hernandez

    When is Donnie Couch going to be interviewing between rounds thats the best coverage I have seen, You guys are the bomb, Bring back Donnie

  10. Burrhead racing

    Hello Nitro Nutbuckets. Can 200 less RPM really slow down these NHRA Monsters? Last time we were at Moroso MSP was at the Super Chevy Show. Go ahead and test with your 3:90’s etc. Last year (just watched last years clip) with the amount of low et’s was no indication of the results at year end. Listen to your elders. Bang Shift is Boss!

  11. Mark Rush

    ok on comentary side ???
    Might I suggest finding some of the old charactors from Drag Racing to announce..
    There has to be a few track owners left that have that did all at a track before sundays racing.
    Ron Leek From Rockford , I e. Byron Dragway would be a great idea for an announcer.
    He’s been in Drag Racing for ever had that great voice at the Mike.
    The other would be the older announcer from Great Lakes Dragaway.
    The older voices that made us come to the track on them SUNDAYS!!!!!!
    kIND OF MISS THE VOICES OF THE HISTORY Like that of Steve Evans.

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