Wow! Yep, David Hasselhoff was never cool. Even when we used to love watching Knight Rider, and didn’t know any better, he was no damn good. If it wasn’t for the bouncing boobs in Bay Watch, he would still have been no damn good. Now we come across this song, which is a remake of an Australian hit from 1976, and find out that this 2006 cover may be the coolest David Hasselhoff ever was because he is making fun of himself. At his age, asking the girls in this video to get in the car with him is more creepy than old dude cool. We hate the right hand drive “KITT” Firebird too. We apologize now for making you watch this, but we must share the misery. Enjoy….errrrr…..whatever.
I hate to say it, but Hasselhoff’s version stays true to the original Ted Murly Gang version as well as the Chris Spedding version of this tune. A good song is a good song, bottom line. So is this the reason Davis Hasselhoff is a huge singing star in Germany? We can only wonder.
Ted Mulry (not Murly..)
Your really bumming me out dude!! It’s summertime, wouldn’t the Beach Boys be a better pick. You seem to talk about Hasselhoff alot! hmmm.
Coolest ever was when he was eating the hamburger Hoff the floor.
I was in Germany when he arrived to “look for his Hasselhoff family tree”,
cringeworthy it was.
He is a Legend in his own mind ! European’s don’t make sense they love him. Although some Americans like Bieber so I don’t know what to think. Hey Kit I need you, please ditch this clown !