
the car junkie daily magazine.


BangShift Tune-Up: “You Sound Like You’re Sick” by The Ramones (1981)

BangShift Tune-Up: “You Sound Like You’re Sick” by The Ramones (1981)

I’m pretty sure that families that recently adopted puppies are going to be dismayed to learn that their canine friends will only answer to Coronavirus or COVID by the time this part of our history passes into the ether. Tracks are quiet, races are rescheduled, and nothing…and I mean NOTHING…is certain at the moment except that you’ll hear one of those two words at least a hundred times tomorrow, and again the day after. I understand that it’s a big deal and at the same time, I’m already sick of it. But for those who are genuinely worried, I’ve seen your messages and I assure you that we are doing our best at BangShift Mid-West. We have enough hand sanitizer, soap, water, bleach and Brakeleen to kill off just about anything, we’ve got food, and we’ve got plenty of tasks around the house to take care of, including the reconstruction of two Ford Mustangs and, as of writing, my dining room floor. And that’s before we get to the fun stuff like my garden or the new front porch that needs to be built this year.

If I come off a little bit contemptuous over the current situation, it is because I am. It’s just an opinion, so leave it there. But I wanted to have a bit of fun with what’s going on. I wanted to be able to still crack a smile when it seems like the world has dropped into near-Armageddon mode. So with a bit of searching I located several “Coronavirus” playlists on music streams, and this one song caught me above all others. Prior to this, I only knew “Blitzkrieg Bop”, “I Wanna Be Sedated” and “Rock’n’Roll High School”. Call me uncultured, but the Ramones weren’t on my radar. Never have been. But everybody and their mother seems to think that a song about someone being confined into a mental institution because they are “lazy” and “hopeless” is a great song to represent the outbreak. They might be right. Maybe. I just now have a new song to play to drive my wife nuts.

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5 thoughts on “BangShift Tune-Up: “You Sound Like You’re Sick” by The Ramones (1981)

  1. old guy

    track down the CBGB movie -2013 – it’s a history of the place and owner and
    the bands he let play and get known ….great scene is his biker friends
    come to the rescue and wail on the Italian ‘ bill collectors’ making threats
    Ramones are one of the bands …and it started as country + bluegrass

  2. Chas

    Go on a blind date, turn and smile at the young lady, and pop on the Ramones tune “Somebody Put Something In My Drink”. She’ll either ask to go home immediately, or you’ll have the time of your life.

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