While the occasional, “guy drunk driving on his lawn tractor” gives us a smile, this is a new twist to an old saw. A man in Australia was caught by the coppers driving a motorized cooler while allegedly loaded out of his mind. The news report stated that the vehicle was “makeshift” which is an insult to all the professional constructed motorized coolers in the world. If the guy built the thing himself, we guess that’s a fair comment then.
The man who was sent to the clink for his actions on the cooler was one 23-year old Christopher Ian Petrie. He’s facing charges of driving under the influence and (here’s a shocker) driving without a license. It is mind blowing to consider that this gentleman has crossed path’s with the law before and has had his license revoked. Normally, it comes to light that this was the person’s first time running afoul of the lawn when caught driving a non-vehicle under the influence.
Currently, there is some legal wrangling as to whether or not a motorized cooler constitutes a “motor vehicle” in Australia. We’re hoping not, because it’ll be one more thing for the fun police to crack down on around the globe.
Oh, btw, he was driving the small block version, it only had a 50cc engine on it.
Thanks to Jesus Nava for the link!
LINK: Australian Man Charged With Drunk Driving on Motorized Cooler
Its a cruel world.
Someday I expect someone to get busted for driving a videogame under the influence.
Just another ol day in Australia…reminds me of when I was 10, living in Kambalda Western Australia (middle of desert) – it was new years eve and my brother and I were out the front yard when we heard the town fire engine coming, sirens and bells going – as it went past I realised that my mum and her friends had basically pinched it…mum was sitting on top of the ladder ringing a hand bell…the local fire chief thought it was funny as hell (try that these days they’d arrest you as a terrorist)