
the car junkie daily magazine.


Callaway Corvette #2 Is For Sale – The First One Is In The National Corvette Museum (This One, Too!)

Callaway Corvette #2 Is For Sale – The First One Is In The National Corvette Museum (This One, Too!)

Color us shocked. We were cruising around RacingJunk.com and decided to pop into the Corvette section. Our intentions were semi-nefarious. We were going to find some dogpiled hunk of sad fiberglass and gold chain remnants have have a field day. That was going well until we found Callaway Corvette #2 for sale and for sale at a non-ridiculous price. This is the earliest Callaway that will ever see public sale as the first one is on permanent display at the National Corvette Museum. In a cool twist, this one is also being displayed right next to the first one for a limited time at NCM.

These cars with their twin turbocharged small block engines were a revelation. The WERE the hypercrs of the later 1980s. The first car hit the streets in 1987 and we’re guessing this second of 188 examples produced as either made late year or early in 1988. The car has been restored visually and mechanically so it is in tip top shape for whoever is lucky enough to drive  it. Unlike the majority of the examples out there, this one has the Doug Nash 4+1 transmission and not an automatic with overdrive.

Lastly, the asking price for the car is $70,000 and while that is big boy money we don’t think the seller is trying for too much. We think that this is a legitimately historic car and the fact that it is the earliest production model that will ever be on the streets is cool as well. Yeah, it still has that C4 quality but the performance is legit and you KNOW you’d love to have this car, just for the stories you could tell.

RacingJunk.com link: Callaway Corvette #2 is for sale and the money’s not bad!


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1 thoughts on “Callaway Corvette #2 Is For Sale – The First One Is In The National Corvette Museum (This One, Too!)

  1. RK - no relation

    Seventy grand for a C4. Ok, provenance counts for something I guess.

    I like C4s actually, but that’s going to be my affordable gateway, like a super low mile unit for half the money.

    Good to see it’s a driver and not a trailer queen or something

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