
the car junkie daily magazine.


Caption This Photo: A Bad Day At The Limo Driver’s Office

Caption This Photo: A Bad Day At The Limo Driver’s Office

Imagine the noise that this thing made when it “ran aground.” We were forwarded this photo by our buddy Pete DeVita and it is simply too good not to share and get some great captions on. We know guys who drive people for a living have to deal with some crappy stuff, but this situation had to have pegged the suck-meter for the driver. How the hell do you call this one into the dispatcher? Send a tugboat!

One thing we have to applaud is the construction if the big Ford Excursion limo, as it shows no signs of sag, even with the front half hanging in the breeze on the other side of the hill.

We’re thinking that this must have happened in San Franscisco. It makes us thankful that the chase in Bullitt was not done with limosuines as was originally scripted. It would have ended really quick. (It was a joke kids, save the script comments).

So here’s another shot at comedy, caption this photo! If you’re not a BangShift.com member yet, and you should be, just click on the join now button on the right. It takes just a minute and you too can join the caption fun!

High sided limo

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