
the car junkie daily magazine.


Caption this Photo: One Big Ass Truck Bounce

Caption this Photo: One Big Ass Truck Bounce

The “Big Power Meet” is a massive car show held in Sweden every year. Event organizers claim that it is the biggest American car show in the world and with nearly 20,000 cars showing up, it darn well may be. BangShift member Jobergg was at the event and snapped this photo of some fellows apparently running a test on both their hydraulics and front suspension strength simultaneously.

Something struck us as funny to have this happening in Swenden. If this photo were from SoCal, we’d just pass it off as another day, but not so in this setting. We need you to caption this photo! What are these guys saying to one another?

Caption this photo! (In English! We don’t know Swedish)

Sweden truck bounce 

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9 thoughts on “Caption this Photo: One Big Ass Truck Bounce

  1. The ORIGINAL Speedy

    11. After his checks from Saab started bouncing, Ludvig made good use of his layoff time . . . .

    10. “Go ahead and park your Konigsegg right here.”

    9. “No Isak, it doesn’t look like Garlits’ blowover.”

    8. “Albin, it was either build it or invest my Kronors in U.S.Treasury Bonds . . . .”

    7. “Va, Axel . . . your rear axle looks a little girly”

    6. “I told you not to use the PINK springs, Viktor!”

    5. “She hops much better since I swapped that Rolls-Royce Merlin into the bed.”

    4. “Dude! Get your girlfriend Maja off of my tailgate!”

    3. Viggo discovers Southside Lift Bars . . . .

    2. Richard G??ransson never made his car do that!

    1. “Va! Dee snow drifts vere dat high!”

  2. joebogey

    Vhua, thet is oone-a heegh buoonceeng troock zeere-a, ya!

    (an yes, you need to read that in a swedish chef voice)

  3. Marra1

    .Bounce n boom!
    (vimto advert in the uk!)
    .Told ya wheelie bars are a good idea,
    .This is how i grease the prop uj’s and change the front tyres!

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