If I owned or operated a company that specialized in transporting classic cars, I would mount a big sign over the exit door that read, “We have one rule, no one’s shit falls out of the truck!” I would actually make that my company slogan, “All your shit stays in the truck.” The man driving this truck obviously violated rule number one and when he got back from this disaster of a trip I would either sit him down for a serious conversation of chop his head off with a snow shovel…it could go either way.
Charles Wickam shared this photo on our forum section and after poking around for a while we cannot come up with a source or a person to credit taking it. As much disdain as I have for Thunderbirds, it still sucks to see a nice car literally hanging off the back of a truck like this. To make a positive comment, it is the massive, fat-assed size of said T-bird and its girth that are actually holding it in the trailer.
If you are wondering how the driver does not see this, you obviously have never driven big trucks before. The car in this position is situated right in the blind spot of the driver. Looking in his mirrors would not tell him that there was a second generation Thunderbird being birthed from the rear of his truck. At this point in the debacle, the damage to the T-Bird looks minimal. If it totally escaped the cozy confines of the trailer, we’re sure it got worse in a hurry.
Caption this photo! What did the truck driver say when he saw this or what did the owner say when the rig pulled up with his car hanging off the back!
Someone got stuck pulling out of the bat cave.
Guess the driver used all the good tie downs on the Chevys!!!!
Man that truck wash really made my old rag look good, everybodies pointing at it!
No, the car isnt hanging out of the trailer. It’s like those bars that have half a car hanging out of the wall.
So thats how those Fords are created!
DAMN !!! I didn,t know my Kenworth was pregnant !!!!
Is that a C-section?
Pffft, Fords, can’t even keep up with the trailer they are sitting on.
OK, that almost got the coffee out my nose
My “rig” is SO bad ass, it craps Fords !!!
Makes me wonder if it rammed the car in front of it a few times before heading through the door.
I learned this trick from Toad in “American Graffiti”
“Knight Industries is struggling due to recent changes in design”
“We’ll have fun fun fun until the car transporter lets Daddy’s T-Bird roll away!”
Does this car make my ass look fat?
The trucker instead of pinching a loaf,he pinched a Thunderbird.
If you point at my truck one more time I’m gonna flip you the bird…
Thunderbirds are GO!
Why did the Thunder chicken cross the road?
They say the only way to see if a baby bird will fly is the mother has to push it out of its nest.
Man, talk about orphan step-child, not even vehicle transports like Square Birds!
“Quit whining. It’s insured.”