
the car junkie daily magazine.


Caption This Photo: Yeah, I’m Just Going To Leave This Right Here…

Caption This Photo: Yeah, I’m Just Going To Leave This Right Here…

(Photo by Charles Wickam) – During Charles Wickam’s weekend of photo blasting at the Houston ADR event, he captured the aftermath of a pretty gnarly nitrous explosion out of what looks to be a top dragster machine. This thing popped and sent the upper half of the intake, carbs, scoop, and whatever else was nearby on a joy ride into low Earth orbit. While he didn’t get the flaming wreckage of the explosion, he did get a few photos of the crew and people near the car gathering parts to give back to the team. This singular photo of a couple guys muscling the intake, carbs, and scoop back toward the now open engine is perfect for a caption challenge. We want to know what you think these guys are saying to each other as they carry the top section of the engine back into place.

So, caption this photo!




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17 thoughts on “Caption This Photo: Yeah, I’m Just Going To Leave This Right Here…

  1. Chaun Benfield

    Looks like I wore the right shirt today! said the guy in the black shirt, Maybe we should have used ARP bolts on this intake! says the guy in the blue shirt.
    I’m trying to figure out if the liquid pouring from the front opening of the orange scoop is race fuel or something else? Very nice car by the way!

    1. CharlesW

      yea that was race fuel pouring out the scoop, the kid raced jr dragsters the year prior, and this was his third time behind the wheel of a top dragster ride

      1. Kyle Dvorak

        I didn’t know this was my third time behind the wheel? That’s C16 fuel pouring out of the intake. This is my first year in T/D after racing jr’s for eight years. This is the second Top Dragster i’ve ran and last weekend in Texas when this picture was taken was our 4th or 5th race on this car.

  2. d

    “You almost had me? You never had your car. You’re lucky that hundred shot of NOS didn’t blow the welds on the intake! Oh, wait..”

  3. Hawaiian

    I’ll get back together in minute. Hmmm . . . . Hand me that 5 lb sledge, the large water pump pliers, a 8′ cresent wrench, a couple of vise-grips and a new roll of “200-mph” tape – silver or black doesn’t matter. Oh yeah, and the gorilla grip glue with a several C-clamps. That should do it. Now stand back and watch this!!!!!!!!!!

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