You have undoubtedly seen the automotive art work of Chris Kuster before who goes by the working nae of Motor Mouth Studio. The wildly drawn cars and trucks are full of action and whimsy but manage to keep true to their original form so that you know exactly what you’re looking at. The incredible part of all this is that Chris was paralyzed in a shallow water diving accident in 1992 when he was 21. Being a quadriplegic, Chris uses his teeth to grip his brushes and paints that way. Yes, he paints with his teeth and turns out these amazing pieces.
A car guy whose wife daily drives a pretty gnarly looking 5th generation Camaro, the passion to paint cars and trucks came at Chris from an angle he never really saw coming. He describes himself as a doodler and while we’re not art critics, we think that is a load of horse pucky. This dude is a full on bad ass artist and his pieces have a feeling that can only come from a guy who understands his subjects.
The image you see above and at the bottom of this page featuring the 2015 COPO Camaro is pretty neat because it is being sold to benefit the Chrisopher-Dana Reeve foundation, which is an awesome cause and one that Chris is proud to help raise money for. That is a one of one piece and you can learn how to make a bid on it or buy it outright by hitting the link below and checking out the full feature the dudes over at Chevrolet Performance recently did on Chris. It is a great piece about a guy who has taken a situation that causes most men to wilt and come out with a zest for life, an amazing talent, and a bright future.