If this thing is stock, I’m the Pope. But who cares? It’s a Buick Riviera setting the rears alight with a noise that doubles as an auditory stimulant. It’s a moment in time that celebrates the second that you decided to throw care to the wind to have a moment of fun. It’s force against force, torque against friction, and for once friction has a serious adversary to deal with. It’s just too much damn fun to not do, regardless of the arguments against tire wasting and “pointless juvenile antics” that are out there. If I had a Riviera like this, big block and all, I promise you that the duration of life for the rear tires would be halved compared to the fronts.
The whole car, from tip to tail, is a middle finger to rational thought. It’s a huge coupe. It’s got an engine that cranks out torque like Niagra Falls dumps water, has styling that no designer in their right mind would even attempt in 2017, and I love it just for those reasons alone. Enjoy the morning burnout!
Check out the person beside the bicycle that is oblivious to the burn out going on.
What sad sack risks destroying the motor,transmission and even incinerating such a fine American classic car? A Buick Riviera of this vintage would be worth a shedload of Dollars and should be enjoyed on the streets where people could marvel at its sheer beauty. There’s plenty of Chevys out there to ruin if the owner wants to indulge himself in that ridiculous pastime…
You need a new schtick Gordie…
The only thing I could find out about that Buick was that is was at a car show in Holland & the Buick was sporting a LS motor.
A stock 1970 Riviera had 510lbft of torque with the base 455, the Stage 1 headed versions (happen but no one I know of has figured out a pattern) make even more though at higher RPM’s. Back the rear drums off and go for it and I don’t doubt the smoke show stock. I had one of these (granted with a built 468 BBB) and it would spin the tires at idle in a parking lot if was at all icey.