If you haven’t guessed by the thousands of “Rough Start” projects that I’ve posted over the years, I surf Craigslist with the intensity of a true addict. It’s true. I don’t have the cash for another project car, but that won’t stop me from perusing the best thing to happen to used car sales since the Auto Trader magazines that I used to get from Olalla Foods every week the first time I had some money racked up as a kid and wanted my own car to work on. Put in parameters, hit the search button and just like that, hours are wasted searching for sale ads in your neighborhood. This might be a good time to insert the “Why don’t you just look at porn like a normal husband?” punchline here. That’s unobtainable in real life and, thanks to the Internet, free. My car addiction would give a rock star’s cocaine bill a run for the money if I had the coin to spend…
The cheap cars then, are my forte. Less than five thousand? Let’s try fifteen hundred and see what happens! Sure, most of what pops up you’d avoid like the plague, but every now and then a gem pops up. This 1992 Chevrolet S-10 4×4 is not one of those gems. It’s instead a visual representation of…I’m not sure what, exactly. It is the most eye-grabbing Craiglist lead photo I’ve ever seen, that’s for sure. You’d think it would be easier to sell a car when it isn’t burning, right?
From the ad:
motor ran good but wont fire
4.3 auto 4×4
1992 Chevy S10
Good title no taxes owed
doesnt have the bed now
very rusty
interior is better than you would think, blue
hood scoop is a craftsman lawnmower hood
tires are good but dry rot
wheels are what ya see
$350. ran and drove before parked 4 years ago, cranks won’t start”
Attempted tire seating?
S 10… “S” for smoked.
“motor won’t fire” but tire will!
one tire fire
The only way that truck ever smoked a tire…
Ha ha ha ha ha!
The car is so shite that its actually set itself on fire – well it IS a Shitrolet….