Confession time: for the last couple of weeks, the wife and I have been looking at a potential vehicle change. Considering that our fleet has one full-size pickup truck, one four-door hot rod, one Mustang that is ripping itself to shreds and a silver paperweight, a change could be worthwhile. Don’t sweat, nothing is happening yet, but we have been looking at a couple of options. One would be a high-MPG road-tripper that would take the miles off of Angry Grandpa, who is getting pretty damn close to the 150,000 mile mark. The other would be an SUV of some sort.
Out of those two options, I’d be all over the first five-speed Ford ZX2 I could find, but the idea of an SUV is growing on me, especially after seeing this beast in action. This generation of GM truck is good, the engines are easy, and boost? Yeah, we’re on board with that deal. Come to think of it, there’s a dead 1997 Tahoe in her parents’ drive right now that could use a new timing belt…and the turbocharger off of the first diesel I find in the junkyard…