
the car junkie daily magazine.


Junkyard Gem: Wait Until You Hear The Engine In This Scrapped Crown Victoria Run!

Junkyard Gem: Wait Until You Hear The Engine In This Scrapped Crown Victoria Run!

I hate that whenever I have to go to the junkyard I’m on a time crunch and need to get in, get what I need and get out. I could spend hours on end pawing through the mangled, stripped, and picked-over carcasses of what were at one point in time loved vehicles. I’ve found just about everything you can find in a junked car that isn’t a dead body or body part. I’ve seen cars that should have never crossed the fenceline, come in just because somebody wanted to upgrade to a newer car. I’ve seen killer parts scores, engines that ran after a fuel filter change or some other simple fix, all wind up being fed to the crusher because that’s the way things are anymore. Do I agree with that mentality? Not in the least. I get that some cars have to go away due to accidents and such, but most of what I’ve seen in the yard constitutes throwing away a perfectly good car.

Not that any of these cars are valuable for the most part, though. A 1990-ish Ford Crown Victoria might scratch someone’s cop car fix, but other than that, it’s a useable beater and nothing more. When it outlives it’s usefulness for whatever reason…rust, accident, the refusal to clean the car one more time, whatever…the Vic will wind up in the yard, stacked on top of whatever preceeded it in death. But this particular Vicky had a secret, a very cool one. All I’ll give away is that if it was up to me, I’d genuinely try to get this thing back on the road. I wouldn’t care if the door paint didn’t match the rest of the body or whatever…someone loved this car before someone else hated it!

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3 thoughts on “Junkyard Gem: Wait Until You Hear The Engine In This Scrapped Crown Victoria Run!

  1. tw

    I can’t believe the owner threw the car like this .At least he could have sold all the nice parts: headers , single plane intake, holley , valve covers , and maybe a still good built engine

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