Mental Note: Use Less Boost! Watch This LSx Mustang Get All Four Wheels Off Of The Ground At LS Fest!

Mental Note: Use Less Boost! Watch This LSx Mustang Get All Four Wheels Off Of The Ground At LS Fest!

One good thing about LS Fest: if it hit the strip, it was set to kill. Nobody wants to be the guy holding back during the three-day love letter to GM’s late-model blocks during racing. We saw engines that had new holes where pistons used to be, massive smoke clouds when the “junkyard block and a turbo” setup proved to be a little bit too low-buck, and on the other end of the scale, we’ve seen cars that climb the ring gear like a scared cat climbs a tree. Last year it was the orange S-10 Blazer that went completely vertical before it attempted to create an oil-pan shaped dent at the starting line…and Barry, owner of the truck, was adamant that the chassis had been re-tuned so that there wasn’t a repeat of that particular stunt. The owner of this Fox Mustang, on the other hand, didn’t get that memo and as BigKleib34 trained his camera in, he went for the throttle and the Mustang’s nose went for the sky, moving vertically and with a purpose. We have to say…looks mighty clean under there!

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