I’ve got a weird relationship with Ford Escorts. On one hand, it’s the closest I’ve come to being seriously injured or worse in a car…I was a passenger in one that went end-over-end into a field in 1987 at speed and I remember quite a bit of the accident pretty well. On the other hand, there were rental Escorts, Tempos and similar Fords that gave me a strange appreciation for what the tiny little tin cans could do. One 1998 wagon is still in service to this day as a commuter car. I’ve nearly bought a ZX2 twice. And I’ve got an EXP kink, though it’s more for the 1986-1988 Escort-nosed version and not the frog-eyed one. And I can hear the sounds of facepalming and groans…why an Escort?
Why not?
Over the years the 1991-96 Ford Escort GT has aged pretty well. I’ll happily admit that I dig the way they look and if I could ever find a nice clean version, I wouldn’t mind owning it. But usually the tradeoff to that statement would be that it was an economy selection, nothing to crow home about, just a nice older car with good lines. You know my whole “Pro Commuter” thing? The one that says the daily driver doesn’t have to suck? Do yourself a favor: watch both videos. Hell, watch the second video first…that’s the owner’s channel and he’s got a full build series on this car. The way thing thing pulls from 40-120 MPH is unholy.
This Escort GT is a legitimate badass.