Lying somewhere between root beer brown and a dark wine red color lies this 1979 Mercury Cougar XR-7. Don’t get excited, we know, we know…it’s a Ford lead sled from the bad old days of angled lines, sharp creases and smog motors. It’s an LTD II by another name. It’s a slap in the face to the original Mercury Cougar, the lithe upscale Mustang-based machine. Got it, noted, understood. It’s smacked with the ugly stick, has bumpers only a demo derby freak would love, has enough front overhang to house a small family in a pinch with, and drinks fuel so badly that if you parked the thing for two months, you could pay half your yearly mortgage off.
Look, there’s lots of reasons to dislike this car. Every time I bring one like it up, I hear all about it. But almost every one of those reasons is a reason to drive this thing daily. The power thing can be fixed. It’s a Ford V8…surely to God we don’t have to draw you a diagram in crayon, do we? Heat, air, legroom, and in this car a full gauge package. You can leave the rear axle long-legged or you can cough up for a transmission swap that adds a cog or two and enjoy a win-win. And rock those Keystones all day long…because this was the way to roll back in the day, and while it’s no Dan Gurney special, your dad knew a thing or two about a bench seat car with room to spread out. You might want to investigate why he appreciated that for yourself, and what better conversation starter than a disco machine that you don’t see moving anymore?
I dont see a reason to hate anything with a V8 anymore. I will take a V8 and ugly over a hybrid or electric modern car any time. Some day in a not so distant future a V8 powered gas car will be rare no matter what you do.
So we need to keep every V8 running as long as we can, cause some day the tree huggers will get Their Way. And then you can only dream of driving a V8.
Trust me its coming. Here in Denmark gas and diesel cars are banned from sale after 2030. And the tax you have to pay to drive anything with a motor bigger than 1.2 liters are outrageus. If you buy a truck for personal use,it cost you 1500 dollars a year in tax the same in insurence, and the Price for gas is 10 dollars a gallon. There is talk of banning all old cars. Mening you cant drive any classics anymore. So i drive my chevelle as often as i can. Enjoy it while it last.
Ill take almost anything 70s compared to todays soulless crappola.Im very serious todays vehicles are just an embarrassment to the country as a whole SOULLESS SHITE
Nice car but, good luck getting $11,000 for it.
Now you’ve got me wondering how it would look if you pushed the front suspension forward a foot or so, like a ’60s era altered wheelbase racer.
Alternately, how about shrinking that front overhang some?
I don’t think the proportions would look right if you just sectioned a foot out of the sheet metal between the front wheels and the grille. But I might try mocking up both options and starting a thread in the forum…
I have a black 79 Cougar XR-7 for 42 years and I find it to be a great car. Yes it’s a granny car but a very good cruising car.
Color is Dark Cordovan Code 8N. Sweet ride.
Color is Dark Cordovan Code 8N. Sweet ride.
Been involved in alot of coversetions with older bodies on newer chasise I couldn’t emagine cool old body on a nothrills crappy ola chasisy what fun would that be. Twisted metal auto fab.
I got a badass 87 Mercury Cougar get ready for Nationals and also the cougar Nationals in Allentown so if anybody has a cougar in the eighties let me know little Shawn// 5.0 ho black with red velour seats mint condition it has 20 cougar inch rims and 18in cobra in the front and air shocks in the rear// and 3001 sound system flip screen and transmission cooler( go to ww.w XL Lincoln Motorsports on YouTube thank you stay safe stay healthy
I had a 1978 Mercury Cougar XR-7
Bill Blass edition on the floor automatic shift
Only bad it had a C4 transmission mated with the V-8 351 M a gas guzzler in the city due I use it for work but a blast on the highway
A lot of great memories in that cruise mobile
A specialty in the back seat !