
the car junkie daily magazine.


Carnage Photos: Driveline Destruction From The World of Pulling Trucks

Carnage Photos: Driveline Destruction From The World of Pulling Trucks

Last year during the Loring Timing Association’s fall meet, I dragged Freiburger, along with Keith and Tonya Turk to their first truck and tractor pull that was happening at a large fair up in nothern Maine. Both guys were pretty impressed with the sheer brutality of the event and although we didn’t see any spectacular destruction, it was clearly evident that every part on the pulling trucks and tractors was being worked to the limit every time they hooked up to the sled. 

The “sportsman” classes of pulling feature lots of hairy street trucks that are totally Bangshifty in nature. These guys scour junkyards to score the biggest, heaviest duty truck parts they can find and bolt onto their rig, battle every weekend, blow stuff up, and thrash to have their junk ready for the following event.

BangShifter Jared Bishop is one of those guys. Below you’ll see a couple photos of sacrifices to the gods of horsepower and weight. The first photo obviously shows a driveshaft twisted into a Twizzler, a blown up universal joint, shattered axle shaft, and a yoke that has seen better days. In the second photo, you’ll see a pair of very healthy axles from a 10.25″ Stirling truck rear end. They are an inch and a half across, have 35 splines, and twist like you read about. note the paint stripes. Jared painted them on when he installed the axles and this is what they look like after 25 hooks!

Pulling carnage!

Pulling Carnage!


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