Of all the wacky junk we have ever seen for sale on Craigslist, this “1921 Ford T-Bucket Dragster” that’s for sale in California may take the cake. The seller seems to be indicating that the vehicle can be registered and driven legally. While that’s certainly interesting to think about, we’d probably pass on a highway ride in this car.
We’re not leery of its construction, as it looks like a finely tuned machine, we’re just freaked out by how flexy it must be with those two long tubes coming to the front, its lack of front brakes, what appears to be a suicide spring in the front, and a steering ratio that has to be less than ideal for use on public roadways.
We’re going to take a guess and say that the engine and trans-axle are from a Corvair. It weighs nothing, so a Briggs and Stratton would probably provide zippy performance. Sign us up for a trip down the strip, but we’re not going to commute in this piece.
So here’s the question. Is this thing totally cool and a piece of odd-rod history or is it a garish reminder of some bad acid trip in the past?
(In the interest of full disclosure we think it’s neat)
Source — CraigsList.com — 1921 Ford T-Bucket Dragster