A dead-nuts recreation of Doug Thorley’s pioneering “Chevy s Much” has hit the San Diego Craigslist ads. The car was rebuilt by Thorley and most of the original crew that constructed the original wheel standing terror that wowed crowds with 150mph passes, four foot wheelies, and wall to wall passes. The car has been on display at the NHRA Wally Parks Museum for ten years now and is in awesome condition.
There was no such thing as Funny Car Eliminator in 1966. The dragsters owned the scene and guys who built weirdo cars like this one were not exactly welcomed with open arms by track operators. That started to change when fans began flocking to match races with cars like Chevy 2 Much, Hubert Platt’s Georgia Shaker, and Tom Sturm’s “Just 4 Chevy Lovers” battling it out.
Like Platt’s Falcon, Thorley’s machine ran in the nine-second zone and sported an alky injected 396 backed by a four-speed manual transmission. That’s right, a real-deal four gear. As you can see below, the massive wheelies these cars pulled, combined with a leaf sprung front end made landings an adventure. Add in the fact that the driver only had one hand on the wheel and was trying to shift gears when all this madness was happening and you can see why their popularity shot for the moon.
Thorley believes that this was the first manual four-speed car to top 150mph in the quarter mile. We’d buy it and make exhibition eighth-mile squirts in it for fun!
A hearty thanks to BangShift.com reader Pauly for the tip!
Source — Craigslist.com — Doug Thorley’s Chevy 2 Much