As Brian has already told you, we decided that for today we were going to do Craigslist picks for each other, using the other’s hometown Craigslist. Unfortunately for me, that means diving into the land of rust where most good cars were given back to Mother Earth decades ago. The good thing is that all the big bad trucks that Brian likes were often maintained in order to keep making money, or were heavy duty enough not to have rotted away yet.
The truck I chose is perfect. I want it. So will Brian. This 1972 C60 Chevrolet is unlike any I have ever seen, and is listed as an “oil truck” which I’ll assume means that it spent most of it’s life traveling around the Boston area delivering heating oil to cold Bostonians. It looks to be in excellent shape, and according to the ad it runs great and everything works. Can you say race gas delivery vehicle? We aren’t sure what engine is in it, but we’re hoping for a big block Chevy. And, with only 66,117 miles on the clock we’re sure it will run great forever. The only way this could be better for Brian is if the company was Brian’s rather than Johnny’s.
My personal opinion is that Johnny is a way cooler and tougher name than Brian, so he should legally change his name after buying this bad boy. Kerri is probably tired of him anyway, so this would be like getting a new husband. It’s a win win. See how I did that?
I think the wrecker needs to go so Brian can own this.
Don’t you?
Good find Chad, Brian could park it between the wrecker ( does it have a name?) and Buford T. Justice. He could fill it with 10w 30 and be set F O R. L I F E !!!
Johnny is for sure cooler and tougher name then Brian
its got air too which means its got the cool air gauge dash