Well this is neat! We got tipped off to a Craigslist ad for a set of 1970s-spec “Street Zoomies” and they’re in perfect condition. We have some old magazines that contain ads promoting these cool pipes but had never actually seen them in person. From the looks of things, it looks like they bolt to a header flange, have a “built in” glasspack style muffler, and then they turn out with the zoomie style trumpets. Outside of the magazine ads and old photos we have never seen these things actually installed on a car, so whoever buys them and bolts ’em on will certainly get plenty of attention at cruise nights and other events. The only thing close we remember in recent times is Cherry Bomb’s Dodge pickup that had zoomie style exits on both sides. Oddly, we can almost see these things fitting best on a van.
Why have we never seen them around? They were either pretty expensive back in the day (very possible) or they rotted out like old cheap headers did after a relatively short time in use (probably the most likely scenario). Either way, with today’s fixation on that ’70s look in street machines these pipes will probably not be for sale very long. Check out a couple of photos below and then hit the link to see the ad. Got $450 burning a hole in your pocket? Buy ’em from the seller in PA!
Lots of 70’s custom vans ran these.
My buddy’s ’69 Mach 1 had zoomies when he bought it in 1980. They do actually look pretty cool on the right car, I’m surprised you don’t see them more often.
Maschmeier needs these.
Perfect for your Mad Max “Interceptor” clone build.
I remember them on certain vans – had their own sound too.
Had a set of these on a 76 Chevyvan 20 with a 400 smallblock. They had a unique sound, as the differing tube lengths created a pipe-organ effect!
hi guys I make and sell these street zoomies on ebay take a look
Tim, how much for your zoomie pipes? What style chrome tips? Thank you, Mike. My email: [email protected].
I had a set of the zoomie pipes that I purchased from J.C. Whitney back in the 70’s. They didn’t have the muffler, but you could choose which style of chrome tips you wanted. They cost about $80.00. I would like to find them again to restore my step side pickup. I have a very limited budget (Social Security Disibility) and can’t afford the $400.-$600. zoomie pipes. Sad day.