
the car junkie daily magazine.


Rough Start: Be The Hero The City Needs With This Homebuilt Tumbler!

Rough Start: Be The Hero The City Needs With This Homebuilt Tumbler!

With a budget of $5,000 and a goal of a running and driving vehicle that doesn’t suck, finding a vehicle like this…thing should naturally mean that you back click and try again. But since I know that there are plenty of fans of Batman and anything Bat-related, let’s say that you want something so off-the-wall unique that the likelihood of finding another is actually nonexistent. Then do we have the vehicle for you, right here: a replica of the “Tumbler”, best known from the “Dark Knight Trilogy” films of recent years. Originally conceived as a military vehicle that Bruce Wayne acquires for his own personal use once he slips into black spandex, the main features involved a 500 horsepower GM 5.7L V8 and jets that allowed the thing to jump without a ramp.


If the car I found on Craigslist does that, I’ll eat my hat. I won’t even use hot sauce on it. The seller is up-front about the Tumbler’s incomplete status, and is offering to drop a thousand bucks off of the price if they get to keep the rear wheels and tires. Since the movie vehicle ran TSL Super Swampers out back, we’d suggest saving the money and putting it on some rollers until you are ready to go al the way and finish the build. If there is an engine in there, we can’t see it, and if there isn’t…well, there is a blank canvas, so do as you will. Now, about getting it registered and plated…

Craigslist Link: Homemade SRV-10 Tumbler


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4 thoughts on “Rough Start: Be The Hero The City Needs With This Homebuilt Tumbler!

  1. Brett

    Better have Robin help pick it up with the Bat Tow Truck after a stop at the Bat ATM and a call to Morgan Freeman on the Bat Phone!
    And yeah, a Bat Title and Bat Insurance could be a Bat Headache with the amount of Bat Paper Work necessary.

  2. John T

    well there you go, I thought replica’s were meant to look a bit like the real thing….proportions on this pos are just horrible.

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