Do not adjust your sets. This is actually happening right now. Of all the things we have ever found, been tipped to, or otherwise stumbled across on Craigslist, nothing compares to this 1946 Fiat project that has been dormant for 20 some years. We don’t even really know where to start. There’s the custom built frame, the ‘glass Fiat body, twin steering axles with four tires up front, old school N50s on the back, a Jag inline six engine, the hand made side pods and swoopy bumper like things on the front end, and on and on and on. It is like a Tyrrell P34 met a gasser, an XKE, a lawn tractor and a legends car at a bar and they all got dismembered and then reassembled by a deranged mechanic. The intended purpose must be to have the only one in the world, but there’s a shocker here.
Ok, there is no shocker. You really think that there’s another one of these lurking in the shadows out there? Are those Cobra Jet scoops on the sides of the “pods” on the left and right of the car midships? Aren’t those four front tires off of a tractor of some kind? Are the suicide doors over the top? Shouldn’t someone just finish this thing and take it to a road course to see if it handles like the P34 six wheel F1 car from the days of yore? Does anyone know what yore is? Could two people fit inside it? Could you get another person to ride in it?
Like we said. A million questions.
CHAD’s QUESTION: What could possibly go wrong?
Kill it before it reproduces
There is a whole lot of WTF going on there…A whole lot.
Ahh, you guys just haven’t been around long enough. Something similar to this was sketched up decades ago, mid ’70’s I’d guess, by someone like Harry Bentley Bradley (you DO know who he is, right?), during the Grand Prix era when the ELF-Tyrell cars ran front ends like this. I loved it. This car is cool, but is simply not being executed faithfully to the original concept.
You are aware, I hope, that Fiat Cooupe’s CAN be used for something other than fuel altereds?
Oh, God, and it’s got a solid rear axle! Yeah, this one is REALLY not being done right. But the concept, a six wheeled GP based Fiat? Cool, cool, cool.
It’s just like driving a Yugo. You know? If you can’t have fun driving a Yugo, you just aren’t a car guy.
Now that you mention it, I seem to remember the same thing. Seems like I saw it in Road and Track or something. Probably a Stan Motts creation.
I think Eagle’s girlfriend would ride in it.
I’d like to have the Fiat body and the Jag engine, crush the rest.
This probably sounds crazy, but I can see the merit in the concept. Not so much in the execution though. The body needs dropped some, loose the John Deere wheels and the
plywood, not to mention the creative hood scoop applications. Kind of reminds me of a Tom Daniels / Hot Wheels creation.
This has speedycop written all over it.
Hmm..i like it.And like written over here by Sedanman,it would look killer with a lowered body and other front wheels.
drugs are bad
The great what if and string therory only a persons mind.
somebody needs to buy this and run it in the 24 hours of Lemons !
that would be so awesome.
Kinda reminds me of this one…
ok,this is so wrong on so many levels,it hurts—-that said—save the body,make the body longer between the cowl and the radiator ,keep the jag and go to Bonneville! (they do have a class for dorkmobiles,don’t they?)
As a whole it’s stupid! Pull the body and engine and burn the rest!!!